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    tests by valdyeuse with the online test builder (786 tests)

    281. Present perfect (4900 candidates)
    282. Expressions avec 'pied' (1729 candidates)
    283. Football L1 saison 2013/2014 (542 candidates)
    284. Comparison (19351 candidates)
    285. Participe passé ou verbe conjugué (5331 candidates)
    286. Interrogative pronouns (2916 candidates)
    287. Son [eu] (1880 candidates)
    288. Pronoms compléments le-la-l'-les (4348 candidates)
    289. 'Prendre' aux temps de l'indicatif (9365 candidates)
    290. Valeurs de 'cannot' (can't) (1262 candidates)
    291. C'est... ce sont (8953 candidates)
    292. Movements and body (1253 candidates)
    293. Verbes en 'ier' et 'yer' (4618 candidates)
    294. About To be and To have (57498 candidates)
    295. Jeu : Associations logiques (2346 candidates)
    296. Infinitive (4912 candidates)
    297. Ever and Never (3175 candidates)
    298. Marion Bartoli (95 candidates)
    299. France (555 candidates)
    300. Euil ou ueil (3017 candidates)

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