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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by flori10 with the online test builder (103 tests)

    21. Futur 2 (5 candidates) [Waiting for approval] 03-10-2024
    22. Coordinating conjunctions (12 candidates) [Being reviewed]
    23. Connaître ou savoir au présent de l'indicatif (2 candidates) [Being reviewed]
    24. Adjectifs féminins (2 candidates) [Being reviewed]
    25. Find the intruder! (34 candidates)
    26. Phrasal verbs with nehmen (4 candidates) [Waiting for approval] 23-09-2024
    27. Vivre et rire à présent de l'indicatif (248 candidates)
    28. Préfixe inaccentué zer- (21 candidates)
    29. Prefix ver- (44 candidates)
    30. Weil, denn, deshalb (257 candidates)
    31. Conjuguer : conduire ou courir (3 candidates) [Being reviewed]
    32. All together or altogether (405 candidates)
    33. Compound adjectives (330 candidates)
    34. Word order: Place before time (516 candidates)
    35. Word order: Verbs and objects go together (815 candidates)
    36. Phrasal verbs with on/off (388 candidates)
    37. Conjuguer : mépriser, se méfier ou se méprendre. (4 candidates) [Being reviewed]
    38. Emphasis with It is/It was .... + relative clause (461 candidates)
    39. Emphasis with 'What ... + is/was' (346 candidates)
    40. Phrasal verbs with Up and Down (415 candidates)

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