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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests English tests Maths tests All
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    tests by papjo30 with the online test builder (25 tests)

    21. Similitude : écriture complexe (1324 candidates)
    22. Valeur absolue et équation (38398 candidates)
    23. Ellipse : équation réduite (2035 candidates)
    24. Courbes paramétrées (1758 candidates)
    25. Produit scalaire (6048 candidates)
    26. Homothétie (13241 candidates)
    27. Equations quotients (7693 candidates)
    28. Valeur absolue et distance (4814 candidates)
    29. Equations produit (5053 candidates)
    30. Funny jokes (1562 candidates)
    31. Ten small traps (2617 candidates)
    32. Ten small traps (3551 candidates)
    33. Fore and derived words (3878 candidates)
    34. Ten traps (24807 candidates)
    35. I'm back and back (4538 candidates)
    36. Nasty faults (5527 candidates)
    37. De l'air ! (1544 candidates)
    38. Mind one letter (5905 candidates)
    39. Small words starting with W (4391 candidates)
    40. Time and idioms (4087 candidates)

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