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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (927 tests)

    341. Indefinite quantities (2498 candidates)
    342. Prepositions (1875 candidates)
    343. Imperative: circus (42203 candidates)
    344. Participes passés à valeur adjectivale (4011 candidates)
    345. Passive voice and tenses (27649 candidates)
    346. Possessive adjectives (3590 candidates)
    347. For,since,ago (32027 candidates)
    348. Verbes en -AR (2177 candidates)
    349. Recipe : Apple pie (4964 candidates)
    350. Verbs -ER (1040 candidates)
    351. Sports (16666 candidates)
    352. Prepositions (5603 candidates)
    353. Verbs -IR (823 candidates)
    354. Interrogatifs et prépositions (19327 candidates)
    355. School subjects (12250 candidates)
    356. Infinitive or subjunctive (16415 candidates)
    357. Mientras/siempre que/desde/hasta que (4706 candidates)
    358. Questions (41374 candidates)
    359. Si/Como si (21729 candidates)
    360. Animals (20482 candidates)

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