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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests English tests Maths tests Dutch tests All
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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (927 tests)

    541. Pretérito imperfecto/indefinido (32168 candidates)
    542. Subjunctive (12110 candidates)
    543. Prepositions (11151 candidates)
    544. Pièges à éviter (2983 candidates)
    545. Infinitive (1614 candidates)
    546. Present (irregular) (5281 candidates)
    547. Past: spelling (8704 candidates)
    548. Passé simple (2793 candidates)
    549. Pretérito imperfecto (7509 candidates)
    550. Proposition conditionnelle (21055 candidates)
    551. Prepositions (4348 candidates)
    552. The right verb (1096 candidates)
    553. Past (54088 candidates)
    554. Ser / Estar (5640 candidates)
    555. Imperative (1764 candidates)
    556. Riddles (5156 candidates)
    557. Présent de l'indicatif (3802 candidates)
    558. Doctor, can you tell me...? (1948 candidates)
    559. Participe passé/gérondif (8648 candidates)
    560. Tenses (4314 candidates)

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