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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (927 tests)

    761. Present (9448 candidates)
    762. Prepositions : por et para (7880 candidates)
    763. Présent du subjonctif (4307 candidates)
    764. Past simple or present perfect (53612 candidates)
    765. Pretérito indefinido / pretérito perfecto (58281 candidates)
    766. Imperayive (11319 candidates)
    767. Imperative (14087 candidates)
    768. Subordinate clauses (5258 candidates)
    769. Present (18053 candidates)
    770. Verbes pronominaux (49989 candidates)
    771. Zaragoza 2008 (3003 candidates)
    772. Prepositions (5725 candidates)
    773. Prepositions : por / para (9791 candidates)
    774. Subjunctive imperfect (12296 candidates)
    775. Subjunctive present (12857 candidates)
    776. Pretérito indefinido (6986 candidates)
    777. Subjunctive present (4015 candidates)
    778. 'en' / 'y' (5829 candidates)
    779. Preposition -DE (6586 candidates)
    780. Gerund (6059 candidates)

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