tests by jng with the online test builder (49 tests)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Relative pronoun (2) (439 candidates)
2. Add a letter (736 candidates)
3. ZU (839 candidates)
4. Past participles (3476 candidates)
5. Definite articles and nouns (5827 candidates)
6. Relative pronoun genitive (4763 candidates)
7. AN + accusative/dative? (6631 candidates)
8. Medical terms (557 candidates)
9. Body (861 candidates)
10. Choose the correct negation (1010 candidates)
11. Choose the correct vowel (234 candidates)
12. Imperative (1324 candidates)
13. WM & football (192 candidates)
14. Subordinate clauses (1054 candidates)
15. German streets (524 candidates)
16. Compound words (403 candidates)
17. FAHREN and compound words (1001 candidates)
18. Birthdays (180 candidates)
19. Adjectives (15285 candidates)
20. Idioms with two parts (850 candidates)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Relative pronoun (2) (439 candidates)
2. Add a letter (736 candidates)
3. ZU (839 candidates)
4. Past participles (3476 candidates)
5. Definite articles and nouns (5827 candidates)
6. Relative pronoun genitive (4763 candidates)
7. AN + accusative/dative? (6631 candidates)
8. Medical terms (557 candidates)
9. Body (861 candidates)
10. Choose the correct negation (1010 candidates)
11. Choose the correct vowel (234 candidates)
12. Imperative (1324 candidates)
13. WM & football (192 candidates)
14. Subordinate clauses (1054 candidates)
15. German streets (524 candidates)
16. Compound words (403 candidates)
17. FAHREN and compound words (1001 candidates)
18. Birthdays (180 candidates)
19. Adjectives (15285 candidates)
20. Idioms with two parts (850 candidates)
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