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    tests by phnad with the online test builder (35 tests)
    Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Describing with adjectives - riddles (1720 candidates)
    2. Haben (present) (14171 candidates)
    3. Der, die or das (17735 candidates)
    4. Subjunctive II (5870 candidates)
    5. Abbreviations (6199 candidates)
    6. Superlatives (1829 candidates)
    7. Superlatives (4170 candidates)
    8. Cartoon Mozart (La linea) (1411 candidates)
    9. Erlkönig (Goethe) (748 candidates)
    10. Gender of nouns with suffixes (beginners) (6407 candidates)
    11. Gender & plural: nouns with suffixes (4217 candidates)
    12. At school (1931 candidates)
    13. Simple past/Imperfekt: irregular: -ie- (1446 candidates)
    14. Simple past/Imperfekt (1606 candidates)
    15. Simple past/Imperfekt: -i- (1263 candidates)
    16. Preterite (2416 candidates)
    17. Die Beere (350 candidates)
    18. Comparisons (less... than...) (8251 candidates)
    19. Comparatives (14416 candidates)
    20. Comparative of superiority (6922 candidates)

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