tests by rebekka with the online test builder (9 tests)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Colours (25868 candidates)
2. Vocabulary - House (16984 candidates)
3. Animals (18283 candidates)
4. Vocabulary - Cooking tool (8884 candidates)
5. Maths: 0 - 20 (883 candidates)
6. Soustractions from 0 to 12 (646 candidates)
7. Mathematics (662 candidates)
8. Count: 0 - 100 (19946 candidates)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Colours (25868 candidates)
2. Vocabulary - House (16984 candidates)
3. Animals (18283 candidates)
4. Vocabulary - Cooking tool (8884 candidates)
5. Maths: 0 - 20 (883 candidates)
6. Soustractions from 0 to 12 (646 candidates)
7. Mathematics (662 candidates)
8. Count: 0 - 100 (19946 candidates)