tests by sidou77 with the online test builder (36 tests)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Because of/Because (78466 candidates)
2. Comparative/Superlative od superiority (2808 candidates)
3. Interrogative words (3319 candidates)
4. Sentences with 'strong' (831 candidates)
5. Expressions with 'man' (714 candidates)
6. Proverbs (699 candidates)
7. Present simple (12629 candidates)
8. Idioms with 'hand' (1433 candidates)
9. Idioms with 'heart' (1448 candidates)
10. Idioms with 'eyes' (1260 candidates)
11. Word building (2100 candidates)
12. Town and country (1226 candidates)
13. Actions (4940 candidates)
14. Weather influences the lives of everyone. (10731 candidates)
15. Finding Objects (1047 candidates)
16. Time clauses (1235 candidates)
17. Actions and processes (2448 candidates)
18. Picasso (4232 candidates)
19. Comparison and contrast (21401 candidates)
20. Opposites (4178 candidates)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Because of/Because (78466 candidates)
2. Comparative/Superlative od superiority (2808 candidates)
3. Interrogative words (3319 candidates)
4. Sentences with 'strong' (831 candidates)
5. Expressions with 'man' (714 candidates)
6. Proverbs (699 candidates)
7. Present simple (12629 candidates)
8. Idioms with 'hand' (1433 candidates)
9. Idioms with 'heart' (1448 candidates)
10. Idioms with 'eyes' (1260 candidates)
11. Word building (2100 candidates)
12. Town and country (1226 candidates)
13. Actions (4940 candidates)
14. Weather influences the lives of everyone. (10731 candidates)
15. Finding Objects (1047 candidates)
16. Time clauses (1235 candidates)
17. Actions and processes (2448 candidates)
18. Picasso (4232 candidates)
19. Comparison and contrast (21401 candidates)
20. Opposites (4178 candidates)
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