tests by mfdjai with the online test builder (114 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Prepositions + accusative / dative (10667 candidates)
2. Present participles (9345 candidates)
3. German cities (8014 candidates)
4. Prepositions + genitive (4945 candidates)
5. Zeit, Uhr, Stunde (3188 candidates)
6. German government (2478 candidates)
7. Ab-, an- (2375 candidates)
8. Adjectives (2366 candidates)
9. German city : Dresde (2228 candidates)
10. M. and R. Schumacher (2158 candidates)
11. Hats (2155 candidates)
12. Verbs + prefixes (2049 candidates)
13. Adjectives (-bar) (1860 candidates)
14. 5 senses (1849 candidates)
15. Football (1767 candidates)
16. Infinitive (1693 candidates)
17. Cinema (1678 candidates)
18. Vocabulary - At the dentist's (1617 candidates)
19. Build these sentences - Health (1612 candidates)
20. Riddle : Famous German women (1575 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Prepositions + accusative / dative (10667 candidates)
2. Present participles (9345 candidates)
3. German cities (8014 candidates)
4. Prepositions + genitive (4945 candidates)
5. Zeit, Uhr, Stunde (3188 candidates)
6. German government (2478 candidates)
7. Ab-, an- (2375 candidates)
8. Adjectives (2366 candidates)
9. German city : Dresde (2228 candidates)
10. M. and R. Schumacher (2158 candidates)
11. Hats (2155 candidates)
12. Verbs + prefixes (2049 candidates)
13. Adjectives (-bar) (1860 candidates)
14. 5 senses (1849 candidates)
15. Football (1767 candidates)
16. Infinitive (1693 candidates)
17. Cinema (1678 candidates)
18. Vocabulary - At the dentist's (1617 candidates)
19. Build these sentences - Health (1612 candidates)
20. Riddle : Famous German women (1575 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Next >> |