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    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by jng with the online test builder (49 tests)
    Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. What is it built of? (848 candidates) (moyenne = 15.4)
    2. Questions with "wie" (492 candidates) (moyenne = 14)
    3. Votes (336 candidates) (moyenne = 13.3)
    4. MACHEN/TUN (1013 candidates) (moyenne = 12.6)
    5. weil/da (3463 candidates) (moyenne = 12.5)
    6. Questions: wo (r) (542 candidates) (moyenne = 11.9)
    7. Adverbs (1195 candidates) (moyenne = 11.6)
    8. Medical terms (557 candidates) (moyenne = 11.6)
    9. Compound words: -wort (229 candidates) (moyenne = 11.3)
    10. Pronouns with prepositions (1899 candidates) (moyenne = 11.1)
    11. Adjectives (15316 candidates) (moyenne = 11)
    12. Imperative (1331 candidates) (moyenne = 11)
    13. FREI as a suffix (276 candidates) (moyenne = 10.7)
    14. Suffix -kunft (489 candidates) (moyenne = 10.6)
    15. Personal pronouns (1199 candidates) (moyenne = 10.5)
    16. ZU (847 candidates) (moyenne = 10.3)
    17. Compound words (403 candidates) (moyenne = 10.1)
    18. Choose the correct vowel (235 candidates) (moyenne = 9.8)
    19. Birthdays (180 candidates) (moyenne = 9.7)
    20. Build this text (339 candidates) (moyenne = 9.6)

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