tests by alken with the online test builder (42 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Bilingual dialogue : At the bakery (15446 candidates)
2. Bilingual dialogue : At the station (10011 candidates)
3. Bilingual dialogue : At the chemist's. (4881 candidates)
4. Bilingual dialogue : At the mechanic's (2552 candidates)
5. Bilingual dialogue : Practising DIY. (1302 candidates)
6. Bilingual dialogue : At the grocer's shop (2892 candidates)
7. Bilingual dialogue : At the hairdresser's (2669 candidates)
8. Bilingual dialogue : At the dry cleaner's (1453 candidates)
9. Bilingual dialogue : How are you enjoying your stay? (3082 candidates)
10. Bilingual Dialogue : Describing one's house (3552 candidates)
11. Dialogue : At the department store (2872 candidates)
12. Bilingual dialogue : Looking for a training period (1762 candidates)
13. Bilingual dialogue : Asking for a direction (4394 candidates)
14. Bilingual dialogue : At the post office (5925 candidates)
15. Bilingual dialogue : What time...? (21195 candidates)
16. Bilingual dialogue : Arriving at the hotel (11843 candidates)
17. Bilingual dialogue : Buying shoes (4149 candidates)
18. Bilingual dialogue : Going to court of law. (2204 candidates)
19. Bilingual dialogue : Phone call for an accident (2563 candidates)
20. Bilingual dialogue : Let's go shopping (6893 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Bilingual dialogue : At the bakery (15446 candidates)
2. Bilingual dialogue : At the station (10011 candidates)
3. Bilingual dialogue : At the chemist's. (4881 candidates)
4. Bilingual dialogue : At the mechanic's (2552 candidates)
5. Bilingual dialogue : Practising DIY. (1302 candidates)
6. Bilingual dialogue : At the grocer's shop (2892 candidates)
7. Bilingual dialogue : At the hairdresser's (2669 candidates)
8. Bilingual dialogue : At the dry cleaner's (1453 candidates)
9. Bilingual dialogue : How are you enjoying your stay? (3082 candidates)
10. Bilingual Dialogue : Describing one's house (3552 candidates)
11. Dialogue : At the department store (2872 candidates)
12. Bilingual dialogue : Looking for a training period (1762 candidates)
13. Bilingual dialogue : Asking for a direction (4394 candidates)
14. Bilingual dialogue : At the post office (5925 candidates)
15. Bilingual dialogue : What time...? (21195 candidates)
16. Bilingual dialogue : Arriving at the hotel (11843 candidates)
17. Bilingual dialogue : Buying shoes (4149 candidates)
18. Bilingual dialogue : Going to court of law. (2204 candidates)
19. Bilingual dialogue : Phone call for an accident (2563 candidates)
20. Bilingual dialogue : Let's go shopping (6893 candidates)
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