tests by dada30400 with the online test builder (168 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Seaside (1365 candidates)
2. Accusative (65738 candidates)
3. Accusative (11273 candidates)
4. Accusative (3885 candidates)
5. Possessive adjectives (29901 candidates)
6. Vocabulary - School stuff (17073 candidates)
7. House fitting (685 candidates)
8. English words in German (955 candidates)
9. Birthday (1576 candidates)
10. Antonyms - adjectives (1958 candidates)
11. Articles (Christmas) (3062 candidates)
12. Definite & indefinite articles (21778 candidates)
13. Restaurant (4848 candidates)
14. Cooking: adjectives (1124 candidates)
15. Desorder : At the restaurant (1119 candidates)
16. Vocabulary - Autumn (870 candidates)
17. Music (1455 candidates)
18. Conjunctions : bevor, nachdem, wenn... (7362 candidates)
19. Bicycle (1108 candidates)
20. Boden / Erde (413 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Seaside (1365 candidates)
2. Accusative (65738 candidates)
3. Accusative (11273 candidates)
4. Accusative (3885 candidates)
5. Possessive adjectives (29901 candidates)
6. Vocabulary - School stuff (17073 candidates)
7. House fitting (685 candidates)
8. English words in German (955 candidates)
9. Birthday (1576 candidates)
10. Antonyms - adjectives (1958 candidates)
11. Articles (Christmas) (3062 candidates)
12. Definite & indefinite articles (21778 candidates)
13. Restaurant (4848 candidates)
14. Cooking: adjectives (1124 candidates)
15. Desorder : At the restaurant (1119 candidates)
16. Vocabulary - Autumn (870 candidates)
17. Music (1455 candidates)
18. Conjunctions : bevor, nachdem, wenn... (7362 candidates)
19. Bicycle (1108 candidates)
20. Boden / Erde (413 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Next >> |