tests by frapedur with the online test builder (20 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Ever or never? (23202 candidates)
2. For or since (2729 candidates)
3. Prepositions at / in (88665 candidates)
4. Present (3923 candidates)
5. Past simple or continuous (5293 candidates)
6. Present perfect/Preterite (84637 candidates)
7. Simple present (11305 candidates)
8. Present simple or continuous (1180 candidates)
9. Build these sentences (5325 candidates)
10. The weather (10926 candidates)
11. Questions with How (80168 candidates)
12. Désrdre avec 'How' (1617 candidates)
13. Some? Any? (5806 candidates)
14. Superlatives (508076 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Ever or never? (23202 candidates)
2. For or since (2729 candidates)
3. Prepositions at / in (88665 candidates)
4. Present (3923 candidates)
5. Past simple or continuous (5293 candidates)
6. Present perfect/Preterite (84637 candidates)
7. Simple present (11305 candidates)
8. Present simple or continuous (1180 candidates)
9. Build these sentences (5325 candidates)
10. The weather (10926 candidates)
11. Questions with How (80168 candidates)
12. Désrdre avec 'How' (1617 candidates)
13. Some? Any? (5806 candidates)
14. Superlatives (508076 candidates)