tests by fredinouk with the online test builder (13 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Animals: cries (7733 candidates)
2. Colours (2396 candidates)
3. Proverbs (1257 candidates)
4. Famous writers (655 candidates)
5. Complete : In the forest (660 candidates)
6. Idioms (1378 candidates)
7. Expressions with 'einmal' (824 candidates)
8. Compound words with holz (568 candidates)
9. Compound words with 'nuss' (823 candidates)
10. Body: compound words (1346 candidates)
11. Firemen (840 candidates)
12. Present (962 candidates)
13. Der Erlkönig von Goethe (2) (470 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Animals: cries (7733 candidates)
2. Colours (2396 candidates)
3. Proverbs (1257 candidates)
4. Famous writers (655 candidates)
5. Complete : In the forest (660 candidates)
6. Idioms (1378 candidates)
7. Expressions with 'einmal' (824 candidates)
8. Compound words with holz (568 candidates)
9. Compound words with 'nuss' (823 candidates)
10. Body: compound words (1346 candidates)
11. Firemen (840 candidates)
12. Present (962 candidates)
13. Der Erlkönig von Goethe (2) (470 candidates)