tests by shayla with the online test builder (35 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Hospital (1103 candidates)
2. Jewellery (953 candidates)
3. Beach (1742 candidates)
4. Animals (8035 candidates)
5. Drinks (3736 candidates)
6. At the doctor's (2813 candidates)
7. Opposite words (5636 candidates)
8. Colors (7120 candidates)
9. In the bedroom (2402 candidates)
10. In the kitchen (1186 candidates)
11. In the bathroom (906 candidates)
12. Countries (7443 candidates)
13. Fruits & vegetables (18886 candidates)
14. Future II (5094 candidates)
15. Gender: compound words (1368 candidates)
16. Big numbers (10727 candidates)
17. Inhabitants (1959 candidates)
18. Vegetables (1598 candidates)
19. School stuff (9755 candidates)
20. Transports (1418 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Hospital (1103 candidates)
2. Jewellery (953 candidates)
3. Beach (1742 candidates)
4. Animals (8035 candidates)
5. Drinks (3736 candidates)
6. At the doctor's (2813 candidates)
7. Opposite words (5636 candidates)
8. Colors (7120 candidates)
9. In the bedroom (2402 candidates)
10. In the kitchen (1186 candidates)
11. In the bathroom (906 candidates)
12. Countries (7443 candidates)
13. Fruits & vegetables (18886 candidates)
14. Future II (5094 candidates)
15. Gender: compound words (1368 candidates)
16. Big numbers (10727 candidates)
17. Inhabitants (1959 candidates)
18. Vegetables (1598 candidates)
19. School stuff (9755 candidates)
20. Transports (1418 candidates)
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