tests by valdyeuse with the online test builder (222 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Same meaning (198 candidates)
2. Fahren & compound words (811 candidates)
3. Words starting with an A (782 candidates)
4. Aber / Sondern (48305 candidates)
5. Accusative or dative (5265 candidates)
6. Accusative,Dative (14668 candidates)
7. Ordinal numbers (5047 candidates)
8. Declension (6475 candidates)
9. Opposite words (7695 candidates)
10. Adjectives: geography (581 candidates)
11. Welcher... ? Welche... ? Welches... ? / Welche... ? (2878 candidates)
12. Possessive adjectives (1574 candidates)
13. Possessive adjectives (1606 candidates)
14. Possessive adjectives (34696 candidates)
15. Adverbs: erst / schon (5870 candidates)
16. Als or wenn (20101 candidates)
17. Animals (879 candidates)
18. Vor, bevor, vorher (1166 candidates)
19. Logical ending (2352 candidates)
20. Fall (1652 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Same meaning (198 candidates)
2. Fahren & compound words (811 candidates)
3. Words starting with an A (782 candidates)
4. Aber / Sondern (48305 candidates)
5. Accusative or dative (5265 candidates)
6. Accusative,Dative (14668 candidates)
7. Ordinal numbers (5047 candidates)
8. Declension (6475 candidates)
9. Opposite words (7695 candidates)
10. Adjectives: geography (581 candidates)
11. Welcher... ? Welche... ? Welches... ? / Welche... ? (2878 candidates)
12. Possessive adjectives (1574 candidates)
13. Possessive adjectives (1606 candidates)
14. Possessive adjectives (34696 candidates)
15. Adverbs: erst / schon (5870 candidates)
16. Als or wenn (20101 candidates)
17. Animals (879 candidates)
18. Vor, bevor, vorher (1166 candidates)
19. Logical ending (2352 candidates)
20. Fall (1652 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Next >> |