tests by fouine18 with the online test builder (14 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Numbers (47804 candidates)
2. Conjunctions : bevor, nachdem (11425 candidates)
3. Interrogative pronoun : Wo/ wohin (4749 candidates)
4. Preterit (32790 candidates)
5. Indirect speech (23142 candidates)
6. Accusative / Dative (8883 candidates)
7. Negation (kein, nicht) (6936 candidates)
8. Adjectives of nationality (5236 candidates)
9. Relative pronouns (4894 candidates)
10. Reciprocal pronouns : sich / einander (3080 candidates)
11. Subordinate clauses: dass / ob (2250 candidates)
12. Future I (2189 candidates)
13. Compound words (1937 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Numbers (47804 candidates)
2. Conjunctions : bevor, nachdem (11425 candidates)
3. Interrogative pronoun : Wo/ wohin (4749 candidates)
4. Preterit (32790 candidates)
5. Indirect speech (23142 candidates)
6. Accusative / Dative (8883 candidates)
7. Negation (kein, nicht) (6936 candidates)
8. Adjectives of nationality (5236 candidates)
9. Relative pronouns (4894 candidates)
10. Reciprocal pronouns : sich / einander (3080 candidates)
11. Subordinate clauses: dass / ob (2250 candidates)
12. Future I (2189 candidates)
13. Compound words (1937 candidates)