tests by fredinouk with the online test builder (13 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Animals: cries (7733 candidates)
2. Compound words with holz (568 candidates)
3. Colours (2396 candidates)
4. Idioms (1378 candidates)
5. Body: compound words (1346 candidates)
6. Proverbs (1257 candidates)
7. Present (962 candidates)
8. Firemen (840 candidates)
9. Expressions with 'einmal' (824 candidates)
10. Compound words with 'nuss' (823 candidates)
11. Complete : In the forest (660 candidates)
12. Famous writers (655 candidates)
13. Der Erlkönig von Goethe (2) (470 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Animals: cries (7733 candidates)
2. Compound words with holz (568 candidates)
3. Colours (2396 candidates)
4. Idioms (1378 candidates)
5. Body: compound words (1346 candidates)
6. Proverbs (1257 candidates)
7. Present (962 candidates)
8. Firemen (840 candidates)
9. Expressions with 'einmal' (824 candidates)
10. Compound words with 'nuss' (823 candidates)
11. Complete : In the forest (660 candidates)
12. Famous writers (655 candidates)
13. Der Erlkönig von Goethe (2) (470 candidates)