tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (703 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Placement test (442413 candidates)
2. Placement test - Tenses (23304 candidates)
3. Indicative Present : Bengal cat (17713 candidates)
4. Conjugation : Little Red Riding Hood (17045 candidates)
5. Business letter (3418 candidates)
6. Adjectives (with "ser" or "estar") (1849 candidates)
7. Diacritical accent (1173 candidates)
8. Complete : Zaragoza 2008 (774 candidates)
9. Prepositions "A" or "EN" (733 candidates)
10. Imperfect or simple past? (43065 candidates)
11. Colors and riddles (27253 candidates)
12. Animals (20099 candidates)
13. Object pronouns (20037 candidates)
14. Personal pronouns (subject) (12476 candidates)
15. Riddles : Drinks (11355 candidates)
16. Falls - vocabulary (9891 candidates)
17. Asking for something (7638 candidates)
18. Sleeping Beauty (6745 candidates)
19. Apocope (5920 candidates)
20. Gender (5254 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Placement test (442413 candidates)
2. Placement test - Tenses (23304 candidates)
3. Indicative Present : Bengal cat (17713 candidates)
4. Conjugation : Little Red Riding Hood (17045 candidates)
5. Business letter (3418 candidates)
6. Adjectives (with "ser" or "estar") (1849 candidates)
7. Diacritical accent (1173 candidates)
8. Complete : Zaragoza 2008 (774 candidates)
9. Prepositions "A" or "EN" (733 candidates)
10. Imperfect or simple past? (43065 candidates)
11. Colors and riddles (27253 candidates)
12. Animals (20099 candidates)
13. Object pronouns (20037 candidates)
14. Personal pronouns (subject) (12476 candidates)
15. Riddles : Drinks (11355 candidates)
16. Falls - vocabulary (9891 candidates)
17. Asking for something (7638 candidates)
18. Sleeping Beauty (6745 candidates)
19. Apocope (5920 candidates)
20. Gender (5254 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | Next >> |