tests by lemke05 with the online test builder (21 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Adjective 'neu' (17809 candidates)
2. Day (4781 candidates)
3. Pronouns: mir / mich (11889 candidates)
4. Wem +dative (11011 candidates)
5. 'Stehen' and compound words (10214 candidates)
6. Prepositions after 'gehen' (8538 candidates)
7. Colours: compound words (7582 candidates)
8. Opposite words (4075 candidates)
9. Riddles: animals (2588 candidates)
10. Logical ending (1483 candidates)
11. Prepositions & genitive (1346 candidates)
12. Find infinitives (991 candidates)
13. Personal pronouns (990 candidates)
14. Suffixes -heit, -schaft, -keit (938 candidates)
15. Compound words - animals (869 candidates)
16. 'Gehen' ... (832 candidates)
17. Compound adjectives (609 candidates)
18. Animals (actions) (565 candidates)
19. Paronyms (472 candidates)
20. Zoo (408 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Adjective 'neu' (17809 candidates)
2. Day (4781 candidates)
3. Pronouns: mir / mich (11889 candidates)
4. Wem +dative (11011 candidates)
5. 'Stehen' and compound words (10214 candidates)
6. Prepositions after 'gehen' (8538 candidates)
7. Colours: compound words (7582 candidates)
8. Opposite words (4075 candidates)
9. Riddles: animals (2588 candidates)
10. Logical ending (1483 candidates)
11. Prepositions & genitive (1346 candidates)
12. Find infinitives (991 candidates)
13. Personal pronouns (990 candidates)
14. Suffixes -heit, -schaft, -keit (938 candidates)
15. Compound words - animals (869 candidates)
16. 'Gehen' ... (832 candidates)
17. Compound adjectives (609 candidates)
18. Animals (actions) (565 candidates)
19. Paronyms (472 candidates)
20. Zoo (408 candidates)
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