tests by milo90 with the online test builder (29 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Song : Wer bin ich (2010 candidates)
2. Where should I put the verb? (27580 candidates)
3. Present Perfect (Perfekt) (27272 candidates)
4. Pronominal adverbs (17829 candidates)
5. Present Perfect (Perfekt) (15222 candidates)
6. Als, wenn, wann (13661 candidates)
7. Present (modals) (9676 candidates)
8. German acronyms (8171 candidates)
9. Simple past/Imperfekt (modals) (7948 candidates)
10. Conjunction : Trotz (7422 candidates)
11. Nachdem (6114 candidates)
12. Present Perfect (Perfekt): modals (6020 candidates)
13. Declension : Epithet adjectives (4735 candidates)
14. Imperfect (3701 candidates)
15. Listen and complete - Raiponce (3169 candidates)
16. Orders (3140 candidates)
17. Simple past/Imperfekt (3111 candidates)
18. Subordinate clauses: where should I put the verb (2474 candidates)
19. Simple past/Imperfekt: irregular verbs (2431 candidates)
20. Animals: cries (1956 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Song : Wer bin ich (2010 candidates)
2. Where should I put the verb? (27580 candidates)
3. Present Perfect (Perfekt) (27272 candidates)
4. Pronominal adverbs (17829 candidates)
5. Present Perfect (Perfekt) (15222 candidates)
6. Als, wenn, wann (13661 candidates)
7. Present (modals) (9676 candidates)
8. German acronyms (8171 candidates)
9. Simple past/Imperfekt (modals) (7948 candidates)
10. Conjunction : Trotz (7422 candidates)
11. Nachdem (6114 candidates)
12. Present Perfect (Perfekt): modals (6020 candidates)
13. Declension : Epithet adjectives (4735 candidates)
14. Imperfect (3701 candidates)
15. Listen and complete - Raiponce (3169 candidates)
16. Orders (3140 candidates)
17. Simple past/Imperfekt (3111 candidates)
18. Subordinate clauses: where should I put the verb (2474 candidates)
19. Simple past/Imperfekt: irregular verbs (2431 candidates)
20. Animals: cries (1956 candidates)
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