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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests Maths tests All
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    tests by papjo30 with the online test builder (22 tests)
    Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Job search and common abbreviations (US) (5111 candidates)
    2. Presentation (4668 candidates)
    3. I'm back and back (4538 candidates)
    4. Ads and abbreviations (US) (4015 candidates)
    5. Fore and derived words (3878 candidates)
    6. Ten traps (24807 candidates)
    7. Should or shouldn't for your health (18793 candidates)
    8. Mind one letter (5905 candidates)
    9. Nasty faults (5527 candidates)
    10. At the opera house (5508 candidates)
    11. A few famous dates (4795 candidates)
    12. Appointment at the doctor's (4523 candidates)
    13. On the road in the USA (4435 candidates)
    14. Over and over (4422 candidates)
    15. Small words starting with W (4391 candidates)
    16. Water and expressions (4216 candidates)
    17. Time and idioms (4087 candidates)
    18. Schools and diplomas in the USA (3861 candidates)
    19. Educational system in the USA (3687 candidates)
    20. Ten small traps (3551 candidates)

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