tests by mariebru with the online test builder (634 tests)
Ranked by candidates (yesterday) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Nature et fonction des mots dans la phrase. (1088221 candidates) 309 candidates yesterday / 1002 views yesterday
2. Propositions subordonnées (293429 candidates) 139 candidates yesterday / 223 views yesterday
3. FLE - Articles (les) (322084 candidates) 127 candidates yesterday / 218 views yesterday
4. Nature des mots - révision (255046 candidates) 111 candidates yesterday / 249 views yesterday
5. Subordonnée complétive (397741 candidates) 107 candidates yesterday / 409 views yesterday
6. Past participle - Reflexive verbs (232397 candidates) 91 candidates yesterday / 1096 views yesterday
7. Les articles - niv CE1 (260128 candidates) 86 candidates yesterday / 176 views yesterday
8. Complément du nom ou apposition ? (108513 candidates) 76 candidates yesterday / 148 views yesterday
9. Pronoms relatifs. (298286 candidates) 71 candidates yesterday / 1163 views yesterday
10. Déterminants : Adjectifs démonstratifs. (355195 candidates) 69 candidates yesterday / 182 views yesterday
11. COD / COI / COS (816099 candidates) 69 candidates yesterday / 203 views yesterday
12. Connecteurs logiques (328387 candidates) 69 candidates yesterday / 607 views yesterday
13. Phrases complexes (76673 candidates) 67 candidates yesterday / 130 views yesterday
14. Analyse de la phrase : Exercices pratiques (2) (83447 candidates) 57 candidates yesterday / 102 views yesterday
15. FLE - Verbe Être (339770 candidates) 52 candidates yesterday / 128 views yesterday
16. Fonction des mots - révision (164031 candidates) 49 candidates yesterday / 122 views yesterday
17. FLE - Prépositions de position (240039 candidates) 48 candidates yesterday / 151 views yesterday
18. Attributs et C.O.D. (59235 candidates) 42 candidates yesterday / 85 views yesterday
19. Analyse de la phrase : Exercices pratiques (1) (207159 candidates) 41 candidates yesterday / 269 views yesterday
20. Analyse de la phrase : Exercices pratiques (3) (127523 candidates) 40 candidates yesterday / 78 views yesterday
Ranked by candidates (yesterday) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Nature et fonction des mots dans la phrase. (1088221 candidates) 309 candidates yesterday / 1002 views yesterday
2. Propositions subordonnées (293429 candidates) 139 candidates yesterday / 223 views yesterday
3. FLE - Articles (les) (322084 candidates) 127 candidates yesterday / 218 views yesterday
4. Nature des mots - révision (255046 candidates) 111 candidates yesterday / 249 views yesterday
5. Subordonnée complétive (397741 candidates) 107 candidates yesterday / 409 views yesterday
6. Past participle - Reflexive verbs (232397 candidates) 91 candidates yesterday / 1096 views yesterday
7. Les articles - niv CE1 (260128 candidates) 86 candidates yesterday / 176 views yesterday
8. Complément du nom ou apposition ? (108513 candidates) 76 candidates yesterday / 148 views yesterday
9. Pronoms relatifs. (298286 candidates) 71 candidates yesterday / 1163 views yesterday
10. Déterminants : Adjectifs démonstratifs. (355195 candidates) 69 candidates yesterday / 182 views yesterday
11. COD / COI / COS (816099 candidates) 69 candidates yesterday / 203 views yesterday
12. Connecteurs logiques (328387 candidates) 69 candidates yesterday / 607 views yesterday
13. Phrases complexes (76673 candidates) 67 candidates yesterday / 130 views yesterday
14. Analyse de la phrase : Exercices pratiques (2) (83447 candidates) 57 candidates yesterday / 102 views yesterday
15. FLE - Verbe Être (339770 candidates) 52 candidates yesterday / 128 views yesterday
16. Fonction des mots - révision (164031 candidates) 49 candidates yesterday / 122 views yesterday
17. FLE - Prépositions de position (240039 candidates) 48 candidates yesterday / 151 views yesterday
18. Attributs et C.O.D. (59235 candidates) 42 candidates yesterday / 85 views yesterday
19. Analyse de la phrase : Exercices pratiques (1) (207159 candidates) 41 candidates yesterday / 269 views yesterday
20. Analyse de la phrase : Exercices pratiques (3) (127523 candidates) 40 candidates yesterday / 78 views yesterday
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | Next >> |