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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by sidou77 with the online test builder (36 tests)
    Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. 'Make', 'do' and 'take' (51534 candidates) 1 candidate today
    2. Adjective or adverb? (11253 candidates) 0 candidate today
    3. Fill in the blank with the appropriate article (179545 candidates) 0 candidate today
    4. Spelling exercise for -ible and -able (14212 candidates) 0 candidate today
    5. Right word (804 candidates) 0 candidate today
    6. Word scramble: Put the letters in the correct order to form (3544 candidates) 0 candidate today
    7. Modal verbs (2263 candidates) 0 candidate today
    8. Link words (3501 candidates) 0 candidate today
    9. Decide which word best completes each sentence. (1435 candidates) 0 candidate today
    10. Complete each group of words below with the correct answer. (4603 candidates) 0 candidate today
    11. Adjectives (5340 candidates) 0 candidate today
    12. What about diamonds ? (1043 candidates) 0 candidate today
    13. What about Kennedy ? (2596 candidates) 0 candidate today
    14. Mexico city (2841 candidates) 0 candidate today
    15. Olympic Games (2746 candidates) 0 candidate today
    16. Opposites (4178 candidates) 0 candidate today
    17. Comparison and contrast (21401 candidates) 0 candidate today
    18. Picasso (4232 candidates) 0 candidate today
    19. Actions and processes (2448 candidates) 0 candidate today
    20. Time clauses (1235 candidates) 0 candidate today

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