tests by zilazila with the online test builder (5 tests)
Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Ein-Eine (787 candidates) 2 candidates today
2. 'Mein' et 'Meine' (518 candidates) 0 candidate today
3. 'Ein' and 'Eine' (577 candidates) 0 candidate today
4. Mein-Meine (375 candidates) 0 candidate today
5. 'Meinen' und 'Meinem' (716 candidates) 0 candidate today
Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Ein-Eine (787 candidates) 2 candidates today
2. 'Mein' et 'Meine' (518 candidates) 0 candidate today
3. 'Ein' and 'Eine' (577 candidates) 0 candidate today
4. Mein-Meine (375 candidates) 0 candidate today
5. 'Meinen' und 'Meinem' (716 candidates) 0 candidate today