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    tests by arpeggia with the online test builder (153 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Der - die - das (17597 candidates)
    2. Perfekt: 'haben' or 'sein'? (10867 candidates)
    3. Modal verbs (10702 candidates)
    4. Prepositions + dative or accusative case (9782 candidates)
    5. Adjective (9763 candidates)
    6. Denn/weil (8438 candidates)
    7. Comparisons: als/wie (8220 candidates)
    8. Indirect questions (7504 candidates)
    9. Times of the day (5823 candidates)
    10. Seit/bis (5616 candidates)
    11. Hätte or wäre? (5334 candidates)
    12. Accusative or dative (5140 candidates)
    13. Personal pronouns (4149 candidates)
    14. Wer - wen - wem - wessen (4042 candidates)
    15. Accusative / Dative (3799 candidates)
    16. Das und dass (3525 candidates)
    17. Demonstrative pronouns (3127 candidates)
    18. Als / Wenn (3096 candidates)
    19. Verbs + prepositions (3056 candidates)
    20. Prepositions + accusative/dative (2974 candidates)

    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Next >> |