tests by vergnuegen with the online test builder (62 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Subjunctive II (wäre / würde) (20288 candidates)
2. Comparative of superiority (8221 candidates)
3. Conditional (6636 candidates)
4. Subjunctive II (5769 candidates)
5. Comparative (5002 candidates)
6. Declension : Direct/indirect object pronouns (3978 candidates)
7. 'derselbe' / 'der gleiche' (3969 candidates)
8. Passive voice (3926 candidates)
9. Accusative and dative (3800 candidates)
10. Comparative of superiority (3777 candidates)
11. Passive voice (3557 candidates)
12. Future II tense (3012 candidates)
13. Dictation : Christmas (2920 candidates)
14. Prepositions : nach, auf, von, aus... (2605 candidates)
15. Passive voice (2591 candidates)
16. Comparing (2395 candidates)
17. Accusative or dative (2297 candidates)
18. Personal pronouns (2258 candidates)
19. Answers (2243 candidates)
20. Prepositions (2024 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Subjunctive II (wäre / würde) (20288 candidates)
2. Comparative of superiority (8221 candidates)
3. Conditional (6636 candidates)
4. Subjunctive II (5769 candidates)
5. Comparative (5002 candidates)
6. Declension : Direct/indirect object pronouns (3978 candidates)
7. 'derselbe' / 'der gleiche' (3969 candidates)
8. Passive voice (3926 candidates)
9. Accusative and dative (3800 candidates)
10. Comparative of superiority (3777 candidates)
11. Passive voice (3557 candidates)
12. Future II tense (3012 candidates)
13. Dictation : Christmas (2920 candidates)
14. Prepositions : nach, auf, von, aus... (2605 candidates)
15. Passive voice (2591 candidates)
16. Comparing (2395 candidates)
17. Accusative or dative (2297 candidates)
18. Personal pronouns (2258 candidates)
19. Answers (2243 candidates)
20. Prepositions (2024 candidates)
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