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    tests by arpeggia with the online test builder (153 tests)
    Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Relative pronouns (genitive) (1853 candidates) (moyenne = 16.3)
    2. Comparisons: als/wie (7748 candidates) (moyenne = 16.3)
    3. Relative pronouns in the genetive (2065 candidates) (moyenne = 15.8)
    4. Auf jeden Fall - Auf keinen Fall! (884 candidates) (moyenne = 15.4)
    5. NUR/ERST (1062 candidates) (moyenne = 15.4)
    6. Perfect : verbs of action (718 candidates) (moyenne = 15.2)
    7. So oder so (1113 candidates) (moyenne = 15.1)
    8. Hast / Bist? (2782 candidates) (moyenne = 14.7)
    9. Comparing + (1332 candidates) (moyenne = 14.6)
    10. Verbs: fixing a problem with someone (329 candidates) (moyenne = 14.5)
    11. Imperative (552 candidates) (moyenne = 14.4)
    12. Relative pronouns (1519 candidates) (moyenne = 14.2)
    13. Als / Wenn (2976 candidates) (moyenne = 14.1)
    14. Eyes (336 candidates) (moyenne = 14)
    15. Das und dass (3185 candidates) (moyenne = 13.7)
    16. Prepositions + dative (523 candidates) (moyenne = 13.6)
    17. Reflexive form or not ? (1147 candidates) (moyenne = 13.5)
    18. Bis/seit (2200 candidates) (moyenne = 13.5)
    19. Prepositions + dative case (2375 candidates) (moyenne = 13.3)
    20. Seit/bis (5428 candidates) (moyenne = 13.3)

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