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    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by tati71 with the online test builder (174 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    101. Ordinal numbers: 1 - 30 (1272 candidates)
    102. Interrogative pronouns (1270 candidates)
    103. Interrogative pronouns (1267 candidates)
    104. Human body (1252 candidates)
    105. Vocabulary - Food (1249 candidates)
    106. Prepositions (1218 candidates)
    107. Passen / Stehen (1214 candidates)
    108. Hobbies (1203 candidates)
    109. Numbers and fractions (1203 candidates)
    110. Simple past/Imperfekt (1176 candidates)
    111. Biography : Karl Friedrich Benz (1159 candidates)
    112. Verbs : wider & wieder (1150 candidates)
    113. Reflexive pronouns (1141 candidates)
    114. Interrogative pronoun (1081 candidates)
    115. Present : Modals (1045 candidates)
    116. Past simple : Goethe (1022 candidates)
    117. Hotel (booking a room) (1009 candidates)
    118. Seeking a job (967 candidates)
    119. Particles (miss / los) (949 candidates)
    120. 'be-' (946 candidates)

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