tests by philtroy with the online test builder (153 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
21. Dative / accusative (1798 candidates)
22. Suffixis -schaft (1780 candidates)
23. Months (1744 candidates)
24. Bees (1709 candidates)
25. Possessive adjectives (1587 candidates)
26. Fall & compound words (1556 candidates)
27. Prepositions (1545 candidates)
28. Lassen + particles (1450 candidates)
29. Camping cars (1415 candidates)
30. Verbs : 'ver' (1330 candidates)
31. Preposition + declension (1323 candidates)
32. an, ab, bei, in, nach, vor, seit, um, zu (1304 candidates)
33. Die Currywurst (1280 candidates)
34. suchen (1190 candidates)
35. Soccer (1159 candidates)
36. Drinks (1018 candidates)
37. Prepositions & movements (971 candidates)
38. -kunt (965 candidates)
39. Particles : stellen (943 candidates)
40. Schlittern - gleiten - rutschen... (935 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
21. Dative / accusative (1798 candidates)
22. Suffixis -schaft (1780 candidates)
23. Months (1744 candidates)
24. Bees (1709 candidates)
25. Possessive adjectives (1587 candidates)
26. Fall & compound words (1556 candidates)
27. Prepositions (1545 candidates)
28. Lassen + particles (1450 candidates)
29. Camping cars (1415 candidates)
30. Verbs : 'ver' (1330 candidates)
31. Preposition + declension (1323 candidates)
32. an, ab, bei, in, nach, vor, seit, um, zu (1304 candidates)
33. Die Currywurst (1280 candidates)
34. suchen (1190 candidates)
35. Soccer (1159 candidates)
36. Drinks (1018 candidates)
37. Prepositions & movements (971 candidates)
38. -kunt (965 candidates)
39. Particles : stellen (943 candidates)
40. Schlittern - gleiten - rutschen... (935 candidates)
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