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    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by tati71 with the online test builder (174 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    21. Present : Kennen/Können/Wissen (8377 candidates)
    22. Dialogue : Buying clothes (8245 candidates)
    23. Present Perfect (Perfekt) : haben or sein? (7743 candidates)
    24. Genitive (7415 candidates)
    25. Viel / viele (7179 candidates)
    26. Interrogative pronouns : wo / wohin (6762 candidates)
    27. Prepositions (6743 candidates)
    28. At the airport (6188 candidates)
    29. Adjective (lang) - Adverb (lange) (6090 candidates)
    30. Family members (5331 candidates)
    31. Subordinate clauses: Bevor / Nachdem (5291 candidates)
    32. Kennen / wissen (5179 candidates)
    33. Genitive (5122 candidates)
    34. Time (5018 candidates)
    35. Questions: W- (4741 candidates)
    36. Riddle : Sport (4682 candidates)
    37. Present : Können/Müssen/Wollen (4676 candidates)
    38. Mistaken verb : Anrufen / Telefonieren (4513 candidates)
    39. Conjunctions : dass / ob (4474 candidates)
    40. Alle / alles (4439 candidates)

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