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    tests by arpeggia with the online test builder (153 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    61. Happy feelings (1301 candidates)
    62. Relative pronouns (1282 candidates)
    63. Question clauses (1278 candidates)
    64. Reflexive form or not ? (1168 candidates)
    65. Gegen & compounds (1161 candidates)
    66. Pronominal prepositions & adverbs (1156 candidates)
    67. Which gender? (1151 candidates)
    68. So oder so (1142 candidates)
    69. Infinitive (1121 candidates)
    70. Diminutive ending : lein or chen (1111 candidates)
    71. Back from holidays (1081 candidates)
    72. Jemand / niemand (1079 candidates)
    73. NUR/ERST (1077 candidates)
    74. Prepositions + accusative/dative (1054 candidates)
    75. Personal pronouns (1039 candidates)
    76. Prepositions + dative (1011 candidates)
    77. 'Sprechen' & compound words (1009 candidates)
    78. Right tense (954 candidates)
    79. Verbs and Prepositions + definite article (911 candidates)
    80. Auf jeden Fall - Auf keinen Fall! (904 candidates)

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