tests by philtroy with the online test builder (153 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
81. Flowers (385 candidates)
82. Kleine Meisengeschichte (385 candidates)
83. Compound words with 'vor' (383 candidates)
84. Verbs related to animals (367 candidates)
85. Words with 'ein' (364 candidates)
86. Forest animals (358 candidates)
87. Animals (345 candidates)
88. Links (338 candidates)
89. Prefix ent- (334 candidates)
90. Animal sounds (332 candidates)
91. Clothes (322 candidates)
92. Verbs with 'lei' / 'eil' (318 candidates)
93. Mordermittlung (317 candidates)
94. Die Energien (312 candidates)
95. Words: 'zeug' (311 candidates)
96. Animals around the pond (294 candidates)
97. Compound words (291 candidates)
98. Polls (284 candidates)
99. Storm (269 candidates)
100. -schlag (267 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
81. Flowers (385 candidates)
82. Kleine Meisengeschichte (385 candidates)
83. Compound words with 'vor' (383 candidates)
84. Verbs related to animals (367 candidates)
85. Words with 'ein' (364 candidates)
86. Forest animals (358 candidates)
87. Animals (345 candidates)
88. Links (338 candidates)
89. Prefix ent- (334 candidates)
90. Animal sounds (332 candidates)
91. Clothes (322 candidates)
92. Verbs with 'lei' / 'eil' (318 candidates)
93. Mordermittlung (317 candidates)
94. Die Energien (312 candidates)
95. Words: 'zeug' (311 candidates)
96. Animals around the pond (294 candidates)
97. Compound words (291 candidates)
98. Polls (284 candidates)
99. Storm (269 candidates)
100. -schlag (267 candidates)
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