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    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by tati71 with the online test builder (174 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    81. Complete : I have a flu (1703 candidates)
    82. Prepositions (1678 candidates)
    83. Prepositions : um, von, in, an, über (1656 candidates)
    84. Date (1637 candidates)
    85. Mistaken verbs : Öffnen et Eröffnen (1608 candidates)
    86. Meals & products (1605 candidates)
    87. Verbs: mit- (1581 candidates)
    88. Perfekt (1570 candidates)
    89. Dass, was (1531 candidates)
    90. Entdecken / erfinden (1508 candidates)
    91. At the restaurant (menu) (1501 candidates)
    92. Pronoun Relay (1446 candidates)
    93. Present Perfect (Perfekt) (1439 candidates)
    94. Verbs: durch- (1426 candidates)
    95. Infinitive (1418 candidates)
    96. Riddles : Animals (1373 candidates)
    97. Warten or erwarten (1372 candidates)
    98. House and around (1324 candidates)
    99. Prepositions (1291 candidates)
    100. Ort, Platz, Stelle (1281 candidates)

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