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Exercise "Gender: compound words", created by shayla (a free exercise to learn German):
Results of the 1 379 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 72.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): coyote09 / FRANCE, on Friday 01 July - 04:48:
They got a perfect mark
Stats (1379 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 81.7 %
die Jugend + das Orchester = * Jugendorchester
Question 2 passed: 92.3 %
das Haus + das Tier = * Haustier
Question 3 passed: 70.8 %
der Tanz + der Kurs = * Tanzkurs
Question 4 passed: 71.6 %
das Land + die Karte = * Landkarte
Question 5 passed: 73.2 %
der Brief + der Partner = * Briefpartner
Question 6 passed: 72.6 %
die Informatik + die Prüfung = * Informatikprüfung
Question 7 passed: 66 %
die Bahn + der Hof = * Bahnhof
Question 8 passed: 64 %
das Rad + die Tour = * Radtour
Question 9 passed: 70.3 %
der Sport + die Tasche = * Sporttasche
Question 10 passed: 71.3 %
der Fuß + der Ball = * Fußball
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