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> Similar tests: - Declension : Epithet adjectives with definite articles - Adjective 'neu' - Declension - Definite articles and nouns - Possessive adjectives - Declension : Epithet adjectives - Vocabulary : Mood - Adjectives from nouns | |
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Describing with adjectives - riddles
Ein paar Adjektive, die man kennen muss, um die Rätsel zu lösen.
Use these adjectives: |
blau |
fett |
flink |
flüssig |
funkelnd> |
gefährlich |
gelb |
gesund |
giftig |
glatt |
glitschig |
grau |
grün |
hart |
kalt |
klein |
knackig |
lang |
riesig |
rot |
rund |
salzig |
scharf |
schnell |
schwer |
spitz |
staubig |
teuer |
weich |
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