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    Learn German > German lessons and exercises > German test #37431
    > Other German exercises on the same topic: The house [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary-The house - Vocabulary-House - Vocabulary-Cooking tool - In the kitchen - Eating - Vocabulary-House - Vocabulary-In the house - The bathroom
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    Vocabulary - Setting the table - German lesson



    den Tisch decken = to set table

    die Tischdecke (n) = the table cloth

    der Teller (-) = the plate

    das Besteck = cutlery

    das Messer (-) = the knife

    die Gabel (n) = the fourk

    der Löffel (-) = the spoon

    das Glas (¨er) = the glass

    das Weinglas = the wine glass

    das Wasserglas = the water glass

    die Serviette (n) = the napkin

    die Flasche (n)= the bottle

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