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Vocabulary - The head - German lesson
der Kopf (¨e) = The head
das Gesicht (er) = The face
das Haar , die Haare = The hair
kahl = hairless - bald
lockig = curled
die Stirn (en) = The forehead
das Auge (en) = The eye
die Wimper (n) = The eyelash.
die Augenbraue (n) = The eyebrow.
die Backe (n), die Wange (n) = The cheek
das Ohr (en) = The ear
der Mund (¨er) = The mouth
die Lippe(n) = The lip
der Zahn (¨e) = The tooth
der Hals (¨e) = The nake
hübsch = nice

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