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> Similar tests: - Jewellery - Shops - At the butcher's - Shops and other places - In a shop - Regional products - Local products | |
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Station service
An der Tankstelle
die Tankstelle |
das Benzin |
der Diesel |
der Scheibenwischer |
die Frontscheibe |
der Eimer |
die Kasse |
die Zapfsäule |
die Karte |
die Kundenkarte |
das Motoröl |
das Kühlwasser |
das Scheibenwaschkonzentrat |
schmutzig |
die Warteschlange |
die Schrittgeschwindigkeit |
die Pause |
tanken |
das Auspuffgas |

German exercise "Station service" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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End of the free exercise to learn German: Station service
A free German exercise to learn German.
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