![]() | > Other German exercises on the same topic: Animals [Change theme] |
> Similar tests: - Die Tiere der Farm und ihre Kleinen - Bees - Birds - Vocabulary-Animals - Farm animals - Vocabulary-Animals - Animals - Animals: cries | |
> Double-click on words you don't understand |
German | English |
Die Fliege Die Mücke Der Schmetterling Die Heuschrecke Die Biene Der Marienkäfer Der Floh Die Laus Die Libelle Die Blattlaus Die Zikade Die Ameise Die Wespe | The fly The mosquito The butterfly The grasshopper The bee The ladybug The flea The louse The dragonfly The aphid The cicada The ant The wasp |
Unscramble the words

German exercise "Insects" created by mfdjai with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from mfdjai]
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A free German exercise to learn German.
Other German exercises on the same topic : Animals | All our lessons and exercises