![]() | > Other German exercises on the same topic: Human body [Change theme] |
> Similar tests: - Vocabulary-Human body - Worksheet -Body words - In the mouth - Eyes - Face - Skeleton - Cosmetics - Body parts | |
> Double-click on words you don't understand |
5 senses
das Gehör |
das Sehen |
der Geschmack |
der Tastsinn |
der Geruchssinn |
blind |
taub |
taubstumm |
kurzsichtig |
weitsichtig |
einäugig |
schwerhörig |
die Brille |
die Kontaktlinsen |
der Spürsinn |

German exercise "5 senses" created by mfdjai with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from mfdjai]
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A free German exercise to learn German.
Other German exercises on the same topic : Human body | All our lessons and exercises