![]() | > Other German exercises on the same topics: BE, HAVE, DO, DID, WAS... | Past | Present [Change theme] |
> Similar tests: - Pefekt: auxiliaries - Past participles - Auxiliaries - Präteritum-Nibelungensage - Simple past/Imperfekt-irregular-Nibelungensage - Present : Modals - Modals - Werden | |
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BE (present and past)
Present Past
Ich bin Ich war
Du bist Du warst
Er/Sie/Es ist Er/Sie/Es war
Wir sind Wir waren
Ihr seid Ihr wart
sie/Sie sind sie/Sie waren

German exercise "BE (present and past)" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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End of the free exercise to learn German: BE (present and past)
A free German exercise to learn German.
Other German exercises on the same topics : BE, HAVE, DO, DID, WAS... | Past | Present | All our lessons and exercises