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    Learn German > German lessons and exercises > German test #11372
    > Other German exercises on the same topic: Passive voice [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Passive : Werden or past participle? - Passive voice - Passive voice - Passive voice - Passive voice - Passive voice - Passive voice - Passive & active voice
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    Passive voice

    Passive voice

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    German exercise "Passive voice" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    To insert special letters:

    1. Das Mädchen schreibt den Brief.

    2. Die Mutter deckt den Tisch. .

    3. Er übersetzt den Text. .

    4. Der Hund beißt den Mann.

    5. Die Katze frisst die Maus. .

    6. Vati liest die Zeitung. .

    7. Er erzählt ihm eine Geschichte. .

    8. Uwe räumt den Schrank aus. .

    9. Wir besuchen das Museum. .

    End of the free exercise to learn German: Passive voice
    A free German exercise to learn German.
    Other German exercises on the same topic : Passive voice | All our lessons and exercises