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    Learn German > German lessons and exercises > German test #130201
    > Other German exercises on the same topic: Find the word [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Worksheet -Body words - Orchester - Fall & compound words - Camping cars - brauchen / bedürfen / etwas nötig haben - Sports - "Bruch" & compound words - Clothes
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    Find the intruder!

    Find the intruder!

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    German exercise "Find the intruder!" created by flori10 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from flori10]
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    1. die Lampe | die Glühbirne | der Strom | das Wasser

    2. arm | hässlich | mittelmäßig | wunderschön

    3. der Buchstabe|das Buch|Tischtennis|der Satz|die Seite

    4. der Brokkoli|die Rote Beete|der Grünkohl|der Rotkohl|der Weißkohl|der Blumenkohl

    5. die Augen|die Zehen|die Ohren|der Mund|die Stirn|das Kinn

    6. der Kumpel|der Feind|der Freund|der Kollege|der Kamerad

    7. traurig|fröhlich|sauer|blau

    8. ehrlich|geduldig|ruhig|cholerisch

    9. die Beschwerde|der Tadel|das Lob|die Klage

    10. er|wir|sie|mein

    End of the free exercise to learn German: Find the intruder!
    A free German exercise to learn German.
    Other German exercises on the same topic : Find the word | All our lessons and exercises