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Simple past/Imperfekt - irregular - Nibelungensage
The Formation of the Preterite of Irregular (or Strong) Verbs:
Irregular verbs (also called strong verbs) in German do not follow the general rule of adding -te to the stem to form the preterite. Their conjugation in the preterite is characterized by a modification of the stem (vowel change, sometimes accompanied by other modifications) and specific endings. It is therefore essential to learn the preterite forms for each irregular verb.
Stem Modification (Vokalwechsel): The vowel change is the main characteristic of irregular verbs in the preterite. For example: geben (to give) → gab, nehmen (to take) → nahm, gehen (to go) → ging.
Endings: The endings of the preterite of irregular verbs are as follows:
- 1st person singular (ich): -∅ (nothing)
- 2nd person singular (du): -st
- 3rd person singular (er/sie/es): -∅ (nothing)
- 1st person plural (wir): -en
- 2nd person plural (ihr): -t
- 3rd person plural (sie/Sie): -en
geben (to give)
- ich gab
- du gabst
- er/sie/es gab
- wir gaben
- ihr gabt
- sie/Sie gaben
reiten (to ride a horse)
- ich ritt
- du rittest
- er/sie/es ritt
- wir ritten
- ihr rittet
- sie/Sie ritten
Some Common Irregular Verbs: (with the 3rd person singular in the preterite)
- einladen (to invite) => er lud ein
- fallen (to fall) => er fiel
- gehen (to go, to walk) => er ging
- müssen (must, to have to - obligation) => er musste (This verb is a modal verb and behaves slightly differently; there is no vowel change in the preterite, but the endings are the same.)
- nehmen (to take) => er nahm
- schwören (to swear) => er schwor
- sehen (to see) => er sah
- sein (to be) => er war
- sterben (to die) => er starb
- stoßen (to push, to bump into) => er stieß
- sich streiten (to argue) => er stritt sich
- trinken (to drink) => er trank
- wissen (to know) => er wusste (Like müssen, this verb has a special conjugation in the preterite.)

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