![]() | > Other German exercises on the same topics: Speaking | Food [Change theme] |
> Similar tests: - Action verbs - Bilingual dialogue : What time...? - Fruits & vegetables - Bilingual dialogue : At the bakery - Bilingual dialogue : On the phone ( formal) - Bilingual dialogue : Arriving at the hotel - Bilingual dialogue : At the station - Bilingual dialogue : What about eating out? | |
> Double-click on words you don't understand |
das Mittagessen
das Abendessen
die Suppe(en)
der Salat (e)
der Braten
das Schnitzel
das Steak (s)
die Beilage(n)
die Pommes Frites
die Kartoffeln
die grünen Bohnen
die Tomate(n)
das Brot (die Brotsorten)
die Zucchini

German exercise "Restaurant" created by dada30400 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from dada30400]
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A free German exercise to learn German.
Other German exercises on the same topics : Speaking | Food | All our lessons and exercises