- "Bruch" & compound words
- "quer"
- "weil"
- 'be-'
- 'derselbe' / 'der gleiche'
- 'Die Physiker'
- 'Ein' and 'Eine'
- 'Gefunden' von J. W. Goethe
- 'Gehen' ...
- 'Mein' et 'Meine'
- 'Meinen' und 'Meinem'
- 'obwohl', 'obgleich', 'trotzdem'
- 'Sah ein Knab ein Röslein stehn´'
- 'Sicht' & compound words
- 'Sprechen' & compound words
- 'Stehen' and compound words
- 'zer-'
- -kunt
- -mals
- -schaft 1
- -schlag
- -zug
- 0 to 30
- 10 - 20
- 10,000-100,000
- 100 - 100,000,000,000
- 15 - 24
- 5 senses
- A joke
- A strange bird
- Ab-, an-
- Abbreviations
- Aber / Sondern
- Abmachen, anmachen
- About Germany
- Accusative
- Accusative
- Accusative
- Accusative
- Accusative / Dative
- Accusative / Dative
- Accusative and dative
- Accusative or dative
- Accusative or dative
- Accusative or dative
- Accusative prepositions
- Accusative Prepositions
- Accusative,Dative
- Accusative-Dative
- Accusative/Dative
- Accusative/Dative
- Action verbs
- Active voice and passive voice
- Add a letter
- Additions from 0 to 10
- Additions from 0 to 100
- Additions from 0 to 20
- Additions from 0 to 30
- Adjective
- Adjective 'neu'
- Adjective (lang) - Adverb (lange)
- Adjective > Noun
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Adjectives (-bar)
- Adjectives (-lich)
- Adjectives + prepositions
- Adjectives : Prefix/suffix-los ou -voll
- Adjectives ; Degrees of adjectives
- Adjectives and Comparative Degree
- Adjectives and prepositions - 2
- Adjectives built from words
- Adjectives from nouns
- Adjectives of nationality
- Adjectives with prepositions 1
- Adjectives without articles
- Adjectives: '-ig'
- Adjectives: declension
- Adjectives: geography
- Adjectives: opposite words
- Adjectives: school
- Adjektive
- Adverb: immer
- Adverbial demonstratives
- Adverbial pronouns
- Adverbs
- Adverbs (family)
- Adverbs (time)
- Adverbs : Aber or sondern
- Adverbs : Erst or nur
- Adverbs ending in '-lich'
- Adverbs/adjectives (un-)
- Adverbs: eigentlich, bloß, mal, schon, eben
- Adverbs: erst / schon
- Adverbs: temporal
- Adverbs: tenses
- Africa
- After
- After verbs
- Agriculture
- Akkusativ oder Dativ?
- Alle - alles - ganz
- Alle / alles
- Alle/Jede
- Allerheiligen
- Alphabet
- Alphabet
- Alphabet
- Als or Wenn
- Als / Wenn
- Als or wenn
- Als or wenn
- Als, wenn et wann
- Als, wenn, wann
- als/wenn
- AN + accusative/dative?
- An - auf - in
- An evening
- an, ab, bei, in, nach, vor, seit, um, zu
- An-auf-aus
- Animal sounds
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals
- Animals (actions)
- Animals (family)
- Animals 1
- Animals around the pond
- Animals: cries
- Animals: cries
- Animals: cries
- Animals: wordsearch
- Anschluss, Abschluss, Ausschuss, Ausschluss, Aufschluss
- Answers
- Antonyms - adjectives
- Antonyms - adjectives
- Around the world
- Articles
- Articles
- Articles
- Articles
- Articles
- Articles
- Articles
- Articles (Christmas)
- Articles and plural
- Articles/Gender
- Articles: accusative
- Articles: accusative
- Articles: accusative/dative
- Articles: nominative/accusative
- Asking
- Asking Wo questions - Helft Sherlock
- Astrological signs
- At school
- At school
- At school
- At the restaurant (menu)
- At the airport
- At the beach
- At the butcher's
- At the dentist's
- At the doctor's
- At the doctor's
- At the hotel
- At the hotel
- At the hotel
- At the office
- At the Railway station
- Auf jeden Fall - Auf keinen Fall!
- Aus, von
- Austrian cities
- Auxiliaries
- Auxiliary : Sein or haben
- Auxiliary: werden
- Babysitter
- Back from holidays
- Back to school
- Bad feelings
- Bahnfahrt nach Bayern
- Bakery
- Bakery
- Bank holidays
- Bankrupt
- BE (present and past)
- Beach
- Beach
- Bees
- Before the verb: bei
- Before Xmas
- Behaviour
- Being impatient
- Berlin
- Berlin (find mistakes)
- Berlin and its monuments
- Berlin Wall
- Bicycle
- Biedermann - 3 - (conjunctions)
- Big numbers
- Bilingual dialogue : Arriving at the hotel
- Bilingual dialogue : Asking for a direction
- Bilingual dialogue : At the bakery
- Bilingual dialogue : At the chemist's.
- Bilingual dialogue : At the customs
- Bilingual dialogue : At the dry cleaner's
- Bilingual dialogue : At the fast food
- Bilingual dialogue : At the grocer's shop
- Bilingual dialogue : At the hairdresser's
- Bilingual dialogue : At the mechanic's
- Bilingual dialogue : At the post office
- Bilingual dialogue : At the station
- Bilingual dialogue : Buying shoes
- Bilingual dialogue : Congratulation for your exam!
- Bilingual Dialogue : Describing one's house
- Bilingual dialogue : Going to court of law.
- Bilingual dialogue : He is never here
- Bilingual dialogue : How are you enjoying your stay?
- Bilingual dialogue : I need a doctor
- Bilingual dialogue : In order to be an au-pair girl
- Bilingual dialogue : Let's go shopping
- Bilingual dialogue : Looking for a training period
- Bilingual dialogue : Mail to refuse an invitation
- Bilingual dialogue : Making a reverse-charge
- Bilingual dialogue : Nothing is worth more than nepotism!
- Bilingual dialogue : On the phone ( formal)
- Bilingual dialogue : Phone call for an accident
- Bilingual dialogue : Practising DIY.
- Bilingual dialogue : What about eating out ?
- Bilingual dialogue : What about Philippe?
- Bilingual dialogue : What time...?
- Bilingual dialogue : Where is the station?
- Binlingual dialogue : Post card from Sevilla
- Biography : Hansi Hinterseer
- Biography : Karl Friedrich Benz
- Birds
- Birds
- Birds
- Birds
- Birth signs
- Birthday
- Birthday
- Birthdays
- Birthdays
- Bis/seit
- Boats
- Boats
- Boden / Erde
- Body
- Body
- Body
- Body
- Body parts
- Body: compound words
- Books
- brauchen / bedürfen / etwas nötig haben
- Bread
- Break
- Breakfast
- Breakfast
- Breakfast
- Brechen & compound words
- Build this text : Konrad family
- Build questions
- Build these sentences - customs
- Build these sentences - Health
- Build these sentences: UND, DENN, ODER and ABER
- Build these sentences: Unser Jugendhaus
- Build this dialogue - At the baker's
- Build this text
- Building a text
- Bundeskanzler
- Business & firms
- Businessman & sponsors
- Büro
- Calculation : from 0 to 100
- Camping
- Camping cars
- Capitals of German Länder
- Cards
- Cartoon Mozart (La linea)
- Causes (Fahrerflucht in der Innenstadt)
- Celebrations
- Changing
- Choose the correct negation
- Choose the correct verb
- Choose the correct vowel
- Choose the correct word to fill the blank
- Chrismas
- Christmas
- Christmas
- Chronological order
- Cinema
- Circus
- Cities & countries
- Clothes
- Clothes
- Clothes
- Clothes
- Clothes
- Clothes
- Clothes & accessories
- Coffee
- Colors
- Colors
- Colour adjectives
- Colours
- Colours
- Colours
- Colours
- Colours
- Colours
- Colours and animals
- Colours(German)
- Colours: compound words
- Comparative
- Comparative (1st school day)
- Comparative of superiority
- Comparative of superiority
- Comparative of superiority
- Comparative of superiority
- Comparatives
- Comparatives
- Comparatives
- Comparatives
- Comparatives +
- Comparatives of superiority
- Comparatives/Superlatives
- Comparing
- Comparing
- Comparing
- Comparing +
- Comparing +
- Comparison
- Comparison and opposition
- Comparisons
- Comparisons
- Comparisons & oppositions: school systems
- Comparisons (irregular)
- Comparisons (less... than...)
- Comparisons +
- Comparisons +
- Comparisons: als/wie
- Complete : A party
- Complete : Allowance
- Complete : Appointments
- Complete : At home
- Complete : At the bank
- Complete : Cars
- Complete : Christmas
- Complete : Clothes in desorder
- Complete : Colours
- Complete : Complaint at the hotel
- Complete : Culinary specialties
- Complete : Dogs
- Complete : Doing some baking
- Complete : Environnement
- Complete : Family
- Complete : Family
- Complete : Family
- Complete : Firm
- Complete : Football
- Complete : Friendship at school
- Complete : German movies
- Complete : Global warning
- Complete : Global warning
- Complete : I have a flu
- Complete : I prefer ..
- Complete : In the forest
- Complete : In the night
- Complete : Jobs
- Complete : Klaus and his pocket money
- Complete : Marlene Dietrich
- Complete : Penpal
- Complete : Pluton
- Complete : Pupil representative
- Complete : Red wine
- Complete : School captain
- Complete : Some food
- Complete : Start of the new school year
- Complete : Students give their opinion
- Complete : The cat
- Complete : The snow
- Complete : Theater and movies
- Complete : Tokio Hotel
- Complete : Tree fog
- Complete : Unesco-Schule
- Complete : University
- Complete :Technology for children bedrooms
- Complex sentences
- Compound adjectives
- Compound nouns
- Compound word with verbs 2
- Compound words
- Compound words
- Compound words
- Compound words
- Compound words
- Compound words
- Compound words
- Compound words (2/3)
- Compound words (3/3)
- Compound words - animals
- Compound words with "-stand"
- Compound words with "sehen"
- Compound words with 'finden'
- Compound words with 'Fuß'
- Compound words with 'laden'
- Compound words with 'nuss'
- Compound words with 'vor'
- Compound words with holz
- Compound words with vorher
- Compound words- 'stellen' / II
- Compound words: -wort
- Compound words: verbs 1
- Comprehension exercices
- Conditional
- Conditional
- Confusions
- Congratulations
- Conjugate the verbs in brackets
- Conjugation : Correct tense
- Conjugation : Correct tense
- Conjugation : Future I
- Conjugation into various tenses (fire)
- Conjugation: Present - modals
- Conjunction : Trotz
- Conjunction : Wenn
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions
- Conjunctions 'weil , sondern, wenn'
- Conjunctions (dass, weil, damit, denn)
- Conjunctions - adverbs : Being abroad
- Conjunctions : als, ob, wenn
- Conjunctions : bevor, nachdem
- Conjunctions : bevor, nachdem, wenn...
- Conjunctions : das and dass
- Conjunctions : dass / das
- Conjunctions : dass / ob
- Conjunctions : dass / ob
- Conjunctions : dass / ob
- Conjunctions : dass / weil
- Conjunctions : dass / weil
- Conjunctions : dass, deshalb, weil, denn
- Conjunctions : Dass, ob, damit...
- Conjunctions : denn, deswegen, weil...
- Conjunctions : nachdem, während, bevor
- Conjunctions : ob and wenn
- Conjunctions : wann, ob, als, wenn
- Conjunctions : wenn, wann, dass, wo...
- Conjunctions ; dass, weil, ob, wenn
- Conjunctions ; dass, weil, ob, wenn...
- Conjunctions and adverbs - Sport
- Cookies
- Cooking: adjectives
- Coordinating conjunctions
- Coordinating conjunctions
- Correct preposition
- Correct preposition (location)
- Correct prepositions
- Count from 1 to 12
- Count from 10 to 30
- Count: 0 - 100
- Counting from 0 to 100
- Counting from 10 000 to 100 000
- Counting from 0 to 100
- Counting from 0 to 100
- Counting from 0 to 2,000
- Counting from 1 to 10
- Counting from 1 to 20
- Counting from 100 000 to 1 000 000
- Counting from 100 to 1 000
- Countries
- Countries and nationalities
- Countries and nationalities
- Countryside, sea, town
- Covering letter
- Covering letter
- Criminality
- Currywurst
- Daily life
- Damit / um.....zu
- Damit/Darauf
- damit/um
- Daniel Kehlmann
- Das und dass
- Das Zicklein 2
- Das/der Tarock
- Dass or das
- DASS or DAS ???
- Dass, was
- Dass/ob
- Date
- Date
- Date
- Date : Days of the week
- Date/Time
- Dates
- Dative
- Dative
- Dative
- Dative
- Dative
- Dative
- Dative / accusative
- Dative or accusative?
- Day
- Days & months
- Days of the week
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension
- Declension (adjectives)
- Declension : articles
- Declension : Articles
- Declension : Definite - indefinite articles
- Declension : Definite articles
- Declension : Definite articles
- Declension : Definite articles (dative/accusative)
- Declension : Direct/indirect object pronouns
- Declension : adjectives
- Declension : Adjectives
- Declension : Adjectives
- Declension : Definite - indefinite articles
- Declension : Definite and indefinite articles
- Declension : definite article -
- Declension : Definite articles (accusative)
- Declension : definite articles (accusative)
- Declension : Epithet adjectives
- Declension : Epithet adjectives
- Declension : Epithet adjectives
- Declension : Epithet adjectives
- Declension : Epithet adjectives
- Declension : Epithet Colours adjectives
- Declension : Epithet adjectives
- Declension : Epithet adjectives
- Declension : Epithet adjectives
- Declension : Epithet adjectives with definite articles
- Declension : Pancake recipe
- Declension: Adjectives
- Declension: adjectives
- Declensions
- Declensions
- Declinations
- Declining
- Definite & indefinite articles
- Definite and indefinite articles
- Definite article
- Definite article
- Definite articles
- Definite articles
- Definite articles
- Definite articles
- Definite articles
- Definite articles
- Definite articles and nouns
- Demonstrative adjectives (dies-)
- Demonstrative adjectives (jen-)
- Demonstrative pronouns
- Denn / weil
- Denn/weil
- Denn/weil/deshalb
- Der Thunfisch
- Der Erlkönig von Goethe (2)
- Der Jahrmarkt
- Der, die or das
- Describe this photo
- Describing someone (adjectives)
- Describing with adjectives - riddles
- Desorder : At the restaurant
- Desorder : Fast food
- Desorder : Native soil
- Desorder : Steps of your life
- Desorder : Time
- Desorder : Time
- Deutsche in Paris
- Dialogue : At the department store
- Dialogue : At the doctor's
- Dialogue : At the hotel
- Dialogue : At the market
- Dialogue : At the restaurant
- Dialogue : At the restaurant
- Dialogue : At the station
- Dialogue : Buying clothes
- Dialogue : Clothes in desorder.
- Dialogue : I would like to book a room.
- Dialogue : My car has been stolen!
- Dialogue : Two friends
- Dialogue at the bank
- Dialogue: finding one's way
- Dialogue: phone call
- Diane Krüger
- Dictation : A small village
- Dictation : A storm
- Dictation : African school
- Dictation : Berlin
- Dictation : Christmas
- Dictation : Cover letter
- Dictation : Federalism in Germany
- Dictation : Holidays
- Dictation : Recipe
- Dictation : saleswoman
- Dictation : School
- Dictation : Soiree in family
- Dictation : The aphid
- Dictation : The Hidden Side of the Moon
- Dictation : The lynx
- Dictation: present
- Die Archäologie
- Die Beere
- Die Currywurst
- Die Energien
- Die Fastnacht
- Die Globalisierung
- Die Lorelei
- Die Physiker
- Die Tiere der Farm und ihre Kleinen
- Diminutives« -chen » et « -lein »
- Diner
- Dir / Dich, Du / Mich
- Directive / locative
- Directive / Locative
- Directive and locative prepositions
- Disagreeing
- Doing something
- Drinks
- Drinks
- Drinks
- Drinks: beer
- Easter in Germany
- Eating
- Eiffel Tower
- Eigen
- Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen
- Ein-Eine
- Elderly people
- Electricity
- Emergencies
- End of holidays
- English words
- English words in German
- Entdecken / erfinden
- Epals (1)
- Erkennen / erfahren
- Erlkönig (Goethe)
- Erst / nur
- Erst/nur
- Erst/nur
- Europe & symbols
- Expressions with 'einmal'
- Eyes
- Eyes
- Face
- Fahren & compound words
- Fahren : words containing fahren
- FAHREN and compound words
- Fairy tales
- Fall
- Fall & compound words
- Fall, Vorfall, Unfall
- Fallen
- Fallen and compound words
- Family
- Family
- Family
- Family
- Family members
- Famous actor
- Famous writers
- Farm animals
- Father Christmas
- FC Bayern München (Simple past)
- Fear
- Fear
- Feelings
- Feelings
- Feelings
- Festspiele
- Films and awards
- Find infinitives
- Find the end
- Find the Infinitive : simple past
- Find the Infinitive: Present Tense
- Find the intruder!
- Finding a job
- Firemen
- Fish & recipes 2
- Fish and recipes 1
- Flavours
- Flowers
- Food
- Food
- Food
- Food
- Food
- Football
- Football
- Foreign languages
- Forest animals
- Frankfurt-am-Main
- FREI as a suffix
- Friedrich Dürrenmatt -1 (declension)
- Friedrich Dürrenmatt -2 (declension)
- Friedrich Schiller (simple past)
- From English words (2)
- Fruits
- Fruits
- Fruits
- Fruits & vegetables
- Fruits & vegetables
- Fruits and vegetables
- Furniture
- Futur
- Futur I : werden - Auswandern
- Future
- Future 2 tense
- Future I
- Future I
- Future I
- Future II
- Future II
- Future II tense
- für / ohne + nouns
- Für / um..zu / damit
- Game : Which book?
- Gardening
- Geben
- Gegen & compounds
- Gender
- Gender
- Gender
- Gender
- Gender
- Gender
- Gender & plural: nouns with suffixes
- Gender of nouns
- Gender of nouns
- Gender of nouns
- Gender of nouns
- Gender of nouns
- Gender of nouns
- Gender of nouns
- Gender of nouns with suffixes (beginners)
- Gender: compound words
- Gender: school stuff
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive
- Genitive - Nominal group
- Genitive - Nominal group
- Genitive case
- Genug / Ziemlich
- Geography : German flags
- Geography : German's neighbours
- Géography : Germany
- Geography : Vienne
- Geometrical figures
- Geometry
- German acronyms
- German acronyms (2)
- German Angliscisms
- German chancellors
- German cinema 1
- German cities
- German city : Dresde
- German culture
- German economy in 2012
- German food
- German geography
- German government
- German institutions 2
- German litterature
- German litterature
- German museums
- German musicians
- German musicians
- German rivers
- German streets
- German writers
- Germany
- Germany II
- Germany: history
- Gesellschaftsformen
- Giving birth
- Goats 1
- Going to a German supermarket
- Going to Germany
- Goose
- Grillabend
- Gutenberg
- Haben (present)
- Haben OR sein?
- Hansel & Gretel
- Hansel und Gretel (simple past)
- Happy feelings
- Hasbro sweets
- Hast / Bist?
- Hats
- Head
- Health
- Health (doctors)
- Health problems
- Hedgehog
- Heimat - 'wo'
- Helmut Schmidt (prepositions)
- Herbert Grönemeyer (interview)
- Hierher, hierhin
- History of Germany
- Hobbies
- Hobbies
- Hobbies
- Hoffen / wünschen
- Holiday rentals
- Holiday sports
- Holidays
- Holidays & celebrations
- Holidays (Ferien)
- Holydays in France
- Home
- Horse-riding
- Horses 2
- Hospital
- Hotel (booking a room)
- Hotel (booking)
- Hotel (good customer)
- Hotel (unhappy customer)
- Hotel: booking a room
- Hotel: booking a room
- Hours in desorder
- Hours in desorder
- Hours in letters
- House and around
- House fitting
- House for sale
- House: rooms
- House: wallpaper
- Houses
- Housework
- Housing
- How clothes are built
- How to rent a car
- How to write ' f ' sound?
- Human body
- Human body
- Human body
- Human body & idioms
- Human body -game
- Human body game
- Human body II
- Hätte or wäre?
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Idioms (ear)
- Idioms - clothes
- Idioms : Blue or red?
- Idioms : Four
- Idioms : Whishes
- Idioms with two parts
- Idioms: animals
- Idioms: the body
- Impérative
- Imperative
- Imperative
- Imperative
- Impérative
- Imperative
- Imperative
- Imperative
- Imperative
- Imperative
- Imperative - regular verbs
- Imperfect
- In
- In / nach
- In / nach
- In a shop
- In the bakery
- In the bathroom
- In the bedroom
- In the classroom
- In the classroom
- In the firm
- In the kitchen
- In the kitchen
- In the kitchen
- In the mouth
- In the sea
- In the sea
- In the street
- Indefinite article
- Indefinite pronouns
- Indirect questions
- Indirect speech
- Indirect speech
- Indirect speech (H. Kohl)
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive (Lust haben zu...)
- Infinitive (ohne zu, um zu, anstatt zu)
- Infinitive (present perfect)
- Infinitive (um zu, anstatt zu, ohne zu)
- Infinitive (um...zu)
- Infinitive : 'zu'
- Infinitive : 'zu' or not?
- Infinitive clauses
- Infinitive to preterit : Football
- Infinitive with/without 'zu'
- Infinitive: 'zu'
- Infinitive: Simple Past
- Infinitives
- Infinitives with/without 'zu'
- Infinitve subordinate
- Informal expressions
- Informal expressions
- Informal expressions
- Inhabitants
- Insects
- Insects
- Insects
- Insects
- Insects, Reptiles & Amphibians
- Interrogative form
- Interrogative pronoun
- Interrogative pronoun : Wo/ wohin
- Interrogative pronoun : Wo/ wohin
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns
- Interrogative pronouns (wie hoch, wie alt...)
- Interrogative pronouns : was, wo, wer, …
- Interrogative pronouns : wo / wohin
- Interrogative pronouns ; wo, was, wie, wer, wann
- Interrogative pronouns with W-
- Interrogative pronouns: wer/wen/wem/wessen
- Interrogative pronouns: wie, wann, warum...
- Introducing a text
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Introducing oneself
- Iris Alanyali (biography)
- Irregular past participles
- Irregular verbs in past tense
- Irregular verbs: 'e-a-o'
- Jemand
- Jemand / niemand
- Jewellery
- Jewels
- Job interview
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Jobs (feminine)
- Jobs game
- Juli - Warum
- Kangaroo
- Karneval
- Kennen / wissen
- Kingdom
- Kleine Meisengeschichte
- Kleine Übung mit Präpositionen
- Konzert
- Lassen
- Lassen & compound words
- Lassen + particles
- Lassen and compound verbs
- Leben and compound verbs
- Leistungssport
- Lernen, studieren, unterrichten
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter to a friend
- Linking words
- Linking words
- Links
- Links between 2 sentences
- Lion
- Listen and complete - Adjectives from cities
- Listen and complete - Raiponce
- Living in a flat
- Living in Germany
- Local products
- Locative case
- Logical ending
- Logical ending
- Logical order
- Logical sentences
- Lonely
- Love story in RDA
- Länder
- Länder (arms)
- M. and R. Schumacher
- Machen, tun
- Magical Creatures – Fabelwesen
- Mann/Man
- Margarete Steiff
- Masculine
- Masculine
- Masculine
- Masculine clothes - vocabulary
- Mathematics
- Maths
- Maths
- Maths
- Maths
- Maths
- Maths (0 to 100)
- Maths (Additions/Subtractions 0 - 130)
- Maths (minus)
- Maths: 0 - 20
- Maths: 0-100
- Maths: Divisions 0 - 50
- Meals & products
- Means of transportation
- Medical terms
- Meeting in a school
- Meeting someone
- Mein-Meine
- Mentalist
- Meteorology - vocabulary
- Mir/mich?
- Missing verbs
- Missing words
- Missing words : Konrad family
- Mistaken verb : Anrufen / Telefonieren
- Mistaken verbs
- Mistaken verbs : Bringen or Holen
- Mistaken verbs : Machen /Tun
- Mistaken verbs : Öffnen et Eröffnen
- Mistaken word : Wieder or wider
- Mistaken word : Wieder- or Wider-
- Mistaken words
- Mistaken words : Ende or Schluss
- Mistaken words : Schluß or Ende
- Mistaken words : Sprechen, reden, sagen
- Mistaken words : Wissen or kennen
- Modal verbs
- Modal verbs
- Modal verbs
- Modal verbs
- Modals
- Modals
- Modals
- Modals -- Nicht Mögen
- Money (1)
- Money Words
- Money/German people (2)
- Months
- Months of the year
- Months of the year
- Months of the year
- Mordermittlung
- More... more...
- Motorbike
- Movie words
- Moving
- Moving to a new home
- Multiplications from 0 to 50
- Multiplications/divisions: 0 to 400)
- Mushrooms
- Music
- Music
- Music (dialogue)
- Musical instruments
- My day
- My day
- My family
- My letter to Santa Claus
- Münster
- Nach - danach - nachdem
- Nachdem
- Nathalie at school
- Nationalities
- Nationalities
- Nature
- Near a zoo
- Negation
- Negation
- Negation
- Negation
- Negation
- Negation
- Negation (kein / nicht)
- Negation (kein, nicht)
- Negation (kein-)
- Negation (kein-nicht)
- Negation (nicht / kein)
- Negation (nicht, kein)
- Negation - Keine declension
- Negation -nicht and kein
- Negation with 'kein'
- Negation: nicht/kein
- Negative (nicht and kein)
- Negative form
- Nehmen and compound words (1/2)
- Nehmen and compound words (2/2)
- Nena - 99 Luftballons
- Nicht/kein
- Nichts und etwas
- Nominative and accusative: articles and possessive pronouns
- Nominative with definite articles
- Nominative, accusative, dative
- Nominative, accusative, dative
- Nouns : 'Um-'
- Nouns and adjectives derived from verbs
- Nouns: -heit- and -keit
- Number phone
- Number phone
- Numbers
- Numbers game
- Numbers & maths
- Numbers (ordinal): 1 to 30
- Numbers (song)
- Numbers 0 - 14
- Numbers 0 - 20
- Numbers 0 to 30
- Numbers 0-100
- Numbers 1 - 30
- Numbers 1,000 - 10,000
- Numbers 100 - 1,000
- Numbers : from 10 000 to 100 000
- Numbers : from 1000 à 2000
- Numbers and fractions
- Numbers from 0 to 100
- Numbers from 0 to 25
- Numbers from 0 to 9
- Numbers from 1 to 30
- Numbers from 100 to 1 000
- Numbers from 11 to 20
- Numbers from 20 to 100
- Numbers in letters
- Numbers in upper or lower case
- Numbers: 0 - 100
- Numbers: 0 - 100
- Numbers: 0 - 100
- Numbers: 0 - 100
- Numbers: 0 - 30
- Numbers: 0 - 75
- Numbers: 1 - 30
- Numbers: 1, 000 - 10, 000
- Numbers: 10 - 100
- Numbers: 50 to 100
- Nur nicht / nicht nur
- Nuremberg
- ob/wann/wenn/dass/als
- Object personal pronouns
- Object personal pronouns
- Object personal pronouns
- Object personal pronouns
- Object personal pronouns
- Obwohl / ohne dass / während
- On the clock
- Opposite words
- Opposite words
- Opposite words
- Opposite words
- Opposite words
- Opposite words
- Oppositions
- Orchester
- Orders
- Orders
- Ordinal numbers
- Ordinal numbers: 1 - 30
- Ort, Platz, Stelle
- Our family
- Our world is a village
- Paar- paar
- Pancakes
- Parents
- Parents & children
- Paronyms
- Participles
- Participles
- Participles II (holidays)
- Particle 'er-'
- Particle 'über'
- Particles
- Particles 'durch-'
- Particles (lassen)
- Particles (miss / los)
- Particles : stellen
- Particles: setzen
- Passen / Stehen
- Passive & active voice
- Passive (present/imperfekt)
- Passive - Trades
- Passive : Werden or past participle?
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice
- Passive voice > Active voice
- Past Participes II
- Past participle
- Past participle
- Past participle
- Past participle
- Past participle II
- Past participles
- Past participles
- Past participles
- Past participles
- Past participles : compound verbs
- Past participles Adv. Part 1
- Past participles used as adjectives
- Past perfect
- Past simple : Goethe
- Past tense
- Past tense
- Patrick Süskind
- Pefekt: auxiliaries
- Penpal Celina
- Perfect : Charlotte in Korea
- Perfect and passive voice
- Perfect tense
- Perfect tense
- Perfect tense
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt
- Perfekt - Sein or haben
- Perfekt: 'haben' or 'sein'?
- Personal object pronoun
- Personal object pronoun
- Personal object pronoun
- Personal object pronoun (dative)
- Personal object pronouns
- Personal pronoun
- Personal pronoun
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns (dative)
- Personal pronouns : dative
- Personal pronouns subject
- Personal pronouns.
- Phone numbers
- Phrasal verbs
- Phrasal verbs (sehen)
- Phrasal verbs : dar- et fehl particules
- Phrasal verbs with nehmen
- Phrasal verbs with vor-
- Placement test
- Plumber
- Pluperfect
- Pluperfect
- Plural
- Plural
- Plural
- Plural
- Plural
- Plural
- Plural
- Plural : nouns (neutral)
- Plural of the nouns
- Plural- nouns ending with -er
- Plurals : the family
- Plurals with an Umlaut: u-> ü
- Pocket money
- Poem
- Poetry (Vocabulary)
- Poker
- Police
- Polls
- Ponctuation
- Position verbs
- Possession
- Possessive adjective : mein
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives (accusative)
- Possessive adjectives: accusative / dative
- Post office
- Prefix ent-
- Prefix irgend-
- Prefix ver-
- Prefixes
- Preposition "von"
- Preposition + declension
- Preposition : aus
- Preposition: für
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions
- Prepositions & conjunctions
- Prepositions & declension
- Prepositions & genitive
- Prepositions & movements
- Prepositions ( ab & seit)
- Prepositions (beach)
- Prepositions (genitive)
- Prepositions (time)
- Prepositions (um, am, in, zu, nach, bei)
- Prepositions + accusative
- Prepositions + accusative / dative
- Prepositions + accusative / dative
- Prepositions + accusative /dative
- Prepositions + accusative or dative
- Prepositions + accusative/dative
- Prepositions + accusative/dative
- Prepositions + accusative/dative
- Prepositions + accusative/dative
- Prepositions + articles
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + dative
- Prepositions + Genitive
- Prepositions + genitive
- Prepositions + genitive
- Prepositions + mit/seit
- Prepositions +articles -2
- Prepositions +time
- Prepositions - am, im, vor, seit
- Prepositions 1 (used with Dativ or Akkusativ)
- Prepositions 2 (used with Dativ or Akkusativ)
- Prépositions : an / auf
- Prepositions : auf, an, in, über...
- Prepositions : aus, am, um, über, auf, bis...
- Prepositions : bei / zu
- Prepositions : dative
- Prepositions : dem den die der
- Prepositions : directive/locative
- Prepositions : für, nach, an, bei, über, mit, auf, um
- Prepositions : gegen, für, ohne
- Prepositions : in, am, zu, aus, von, auf, mit
- Prepositions : nach, auf, von, aus...
- Prépositions : nach, in, zu, bei
- Prepositions : neben, auf, in
- Prepositions : um, von, in, an, über
- Prepositions : von, über, auf, an...
- Prepositions : wegen, trotz, während...
- Prepositions after 'gehen'
- Prepositions and accusative
- Prepositions in, an, auf, bei, zu, nach
- Prepositions nach & in
- Prepositions of placement
- Prepositions of time
- Prepositions zu, nach, in, an...
- Prepositions: am / um
- Prepositions: in, auf, an
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present
- Present & a little trap
- Present (greetings)
- Present (haben)
- Present (modals)
- Present (modals)
- Present (modals)
- Present (regular verbs)
- Present (regular verbs)
- Present - irregular verbs
- Present : auxiliaries haben/sein
- Present : Auxiliaries haben/sein
- Present : Auxiliaries haben/sein
- Present : Auxiliaries haben/sein/werden
- Present : Dürfen/Können
- Present : Fahren/Sehen
- Present : Haben/Sein
- Present : haben/sein
- Present : irregular = 'e'
- Present : irregular = 'a'
- Présent : kennen, wissen
- Present : Kennen/Können/Wissen
- Present : Können/Müssen/Wollen
- Present : Lukas and his dog
- Present : Modal - dürfen
- Present : Modal - Wollen
- Present : Modals
- Present : Modals
- Present : Modals
- Present : müssen
- Present : Sein
- Present : Sein
- Present : Werden
- Present participle
- Present participles
- Present perfect
- Present perfect
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt)
- Present Perfect (Perfekt) : haben or sein?
- Present Perfect (Perfekt): auxiliaries
- Present Perfect (Perfekt): double infinitive or past partici
- Present Perfect (Perfekt): double infinitives
- Present Perfect (Perfekt): irregular
- Present Perfect (Perfekt): irregular past participles
- Present Perfect (Perfekt): modals
- Present Perfect (Perfekt): past participles
- Present Perfect (Perfekt): ver-
- Present perfect / Perfekt
- Present tense
- Present tense
- Present tense
- Present tense
- Present tense
- Present tense
- Present Tense Regular Verbs
- Present/Simple past/Past participle
- Present/Simple past: irregular verbs
- Present/Simple past: irregular verbs
- Present: die Welle
- Present: Easter
- Present: haben
- Present: irregular verbs
- Present: können
- Present: Modals
- Present: modals
- Present: regular verbs
- Present: sein
- Present: sein
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit
- Preterit - Irregular verbs
- Preterit - Irregular verbs
- Preterit - Irregular verbs
- Preterit - Irregular verbs
- Preterit : Auxiliaries - Haben/Sein
- Preterit : auxiliaries - haben/sein
- Preterit : Fable
- Preterit : Irregular verbs
- Preterit : modals
- Preterit : sehen
- Preterit : Sein / Haben
- Preterit : Tokio Hotel
- Preterit and perfect
- Preterite
- Preterite
- Preterite
- Preterite
- Preterite
- Professional life
- Pronominal adverbs
- Pronominal adverbs
- Pronominal prepositions & adverbs
- Pronominal verbs : 'ver'
- Pronoun Relay
- Pronouns
- Pronouns
- Pronouns
- Pronouns
- Pronouns / Dative
- Pronouns reflexive and personal
- Pronouns with prepositions
- Pronouns: davon, daran...
- Pronouns: mir / mich
- Pronunciation
- Pronunciation
- Pronunciation
- Proverbs
- Proverbs
- Proverbs
- Proverbs
- Proverbs
- Proverbs
- Proverbs - Body
- Präteritum
- Präteritum - Nibelungensage
- Put into the passive voice
- Quantities
- Quantities: sports
- Question clauses
- Question clauses
- Question words
- Question words
- Questions
- Questions
- Questions
- Questions
- Questions
- Questions
- Questions
- Questions & answers
- Questions & answers
- Questions (wie, wo, was...)
- Questions (womit, worüber...)
- Questions / Answers
- Questions and prepositions
- Questions with "wie"
- Questions: W-
- Questions: wo (r)
- Railway station
- Read and answer : Bauhaus
- Read and answer : Berliner monuments
- Read and answer : Bernhard Schlink
- Read and answer : Dürer
- Read and answer : Internet
- Read and answer : Thomas Mann
- Read and complete : Holidays
- Recipe : Strudle
- Recipe: 'piperrada'
- Recipe: Apfelkuchen
- Reciprocal pronouns : sich / einander
- Reconstitute : The life
- Reflexive pronouns
- Reflexive pronouns
- Reflexive pronouns
- Reflexive pronouns
- Reflexive pronouns
- Reflexive pronouns
- Reflexive pronouns
- Refusing
- Regional products
- Relative
- Relative clauses
- Relative clauses
- Relative clauses
- Relative clauses
- Relative clauses
- Relative clauses (genitive)
- Relative pronoun
- Relative pronoun (2)
- Relative pronoun genitive
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Relative pronouns (accusative)
- Relative pronouns (genitive)
- Relative pronouns in the genetive
- Relative pronouns: nominative & accusative
- Restaurant
- Restaurant
- Restaurant (meals & drinks)
- Restaurant - vocabulary
- Rich or poor
- Richard Wagner
- Riddle : TV show
- Riddle : Famous German women
- Riddle : Food and drinks
- Riddle : Sport
- Riddle : Time
- Riddles
- Riddles
- Riddles
- Riddles : Animals
- Riddles : Animals
- Riddles : Animals
- Riddles : In my house
- Riddles : Monuments
- Riddles : Monuments of Vienna
- Riddles : My relatives
- Riddles : Sport
- Riddles : Trades
- Riddles: animals
- Riddles: At the court of law
- Right preposition + accusative
- Right tense
- Right words
- Rivers
- Rom
- Rooms
- Rose Family (2)
- Rose family 1
- Sagen
- Sailing
- Same meaning
- Same word, several meanings
- Schach
- Schedule
- Schlagen
- Schlittern - gleiten - rutschen...
- Schluss and compound words
- School project
- School stuff
- School stuff
- School trip
- School trip (comparing)
- School: Timetable
- Schreiben
- Schwester Monika
- Scrambled words : Nature
- Scrambled words : Cologne
- Se plaindre
- Seaside
- Seasons & celebations
- Seasons, months and days
- Seeking a job
- Seeking a job
- Sein or haben?
- Sein/haben
- Sein/haben
- Seit/bis
- Sentence with dass or ob
- Sewing
- Shoes
- Shoes
- Shops
- Shops
- Shops
- Shops and other places
- Sich ver-
- Signs of the Zodiac
- Similar words
- Simple past & present perfect (irregular verbs)
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt
- Simple past/Imperfekt (1st /3rd sg)
- Simple past/Imperfekt (irregular)
- Simple past/Imperfekt (modals)
- Simple past/Imperfekt (regular verbs)
- Simple past/Imperfekt - Auxiliaries
- Simple past/Imperfekt : pupil
- Simple past/Imperfekt: -i-
- Simple past/Imperfekt: haben/sein
- Simple past/Imperfekt: holidays
- Simple past/Imperfekt: irregular
- Simple past/Imperfekt: irregular verbs
- Simple past/Imperfekt: irregular verbs
- Simple past/Imperfekt: irregular verbs
- Simple past/Imperfekt: irregular: -ie-
- Simple past/Imperfekt: Lukas and his dog
- Simple past/Imperfekt: Modals
- Simple past/Imperfekt: regular verbs
- Simple past/Imperfekt: text
- Simple past/Imperfekt: text
- Singular > Plural
- Singular > Plural
- Singular > Plural
- Singular > Plural
- Skeleton
- Skin
- Sky
- So oder so
- Song : Wer bin ich
- Song - Wann wird's mal wieder richtig Sommer?
- Song : Abschied nehmen
- Song : Hänsel and Gretel
- Song : If I were a little bird
- Song : Petit Jeannot
- Song: Guten Abend, gute Nacht
- Sonnenallee 2
- Sonnenallee 3
- Sound 'k'
- Soustractions from 0 to 12
- Space prepositions in German
- Speaking about a lesson
- Speech
- Spelling : German double- s
- Sport accessories
- Sports
- Spring
- Spring
- Spring
- Spring & winter
- Spring-Logical ending
- Ss, s, ß
- Star on Youtube
- Station service
- Stats: what German people think
- Steen
- Storm
- Strong verbs 4/4
- Stuttgart
- Subjekt-und Objektsätze
- Subjunctive I
- Subjunctive I
- Subjunctive I
- Subjunctive I
- Subjunctive I II
- Subjunctive II
- Subjunctive II
- Subjunctive II
- Subjunctive II
- Subjunctive II
- Subjunctive II
- Subjunctive II
- Subjunctive II (media)
- Subjunctive II (word order)
- Subjunctive II (wäre / würde)
- Subjunctive II: auxiliaries
- Subjunctive II: school project
- Subordinate
- Subordinate clauses
- Subordinate clauses
- Subordinate clauses
- Subordinate clauses
- Subordinate clauses
- Subordinate clauses
- Subordinate clauses
- Subordinate clauses (weil)
- Subordinate clauses (with double infinitives)
- Subordinate clauses: 'weil'
- Subordinate clauses: als, wenn, ob
- Subordinate clauses: Bevor / Nachdem
- Subordinate clauses: Bevor / Nachdem
- Subordinate clauses: dass & ob
- Subordinate clauses: dass / damit
- Subordinate clauses: dass / ob
- Subordinate clauses: dass / weil
- Subordinate clauses: ob / wenn
- Subordinate clauses: true or false
- Subordinate clauses: weil
- Subordinate clauses: wenn
- Subordinate clauses: Wenn / ob
- Subordinate clauses: where should I put the verb
- Subordinate: als, wenn, wann
- Substractions: 0 to 20
- suchen
- Suffix "-fall"
- Suffix '-bar'
- Suffix '-bar'
- Suffix '-nahme'
- Suffix '-wert'
- Suffix -frei
- Suffix -kunft
- Suffix -los
- Suffix -sam
- Suffix -satz
- Suffix -schaft
- Suffix -schlag
- Suffix : heit et keit
- Suffixes -heit, -schaft, -keit
- Suffixes: adjectives (-LICH -IG -ISCH)
- Suffixis -schaft
- Suggesting
- Summer
- Summer holidays
- Superlative Adjectives
- Superlatives
- Superlatives
- Superlatives
- Superlatives
- Superlatives
- Superlatives
- Supermarket
- Sweets: Mozartkugeln
- Switzerland
- Synonyms (adjectives)
- Synonyms (verbs in 'ent-')
- Synonyms - verbs
- Synonyms of 'gehen'
- Synonyms: 'lachen' / 'weinen' - 2
- Synonyms: 'lachen' / 'weinen' - 3
- Synonyms: lachen / weinen
- Talking about hobies
- Taxi
- Temporal adverbs
- Tenses - grammar
- Text: the Internet
- The bathroom
- The Earth
- The German Perfect (Regular Forms)
- The house
- The Internet (2)
- The place where I live
- The Present Perfect (Perfekt): part participles
- The weather
- The witch and her broom
- Theatre and reservation
- Time
- Time
- Time
- Times of the day
- Timetable
- Tokio Hotel - Durch den Monsun
- Tokio Hotel - Spring nicht
- Trades
- Trades - vocabulary
- Tragen
- Transports
- Transports
- Transports
- Transports
- Travelling
- Travelling
- Travelling abroad
- Treiben and compound words
- Trotz / wegen
- Trying
- Tun, stellen, legen, hängen, stecken, einwerfen
- Types of sentences
- Um... zu...
- Umwelt
- Uncommon words
- Unemployment (young people)
- Unesco-Schule (1)
- Unhappy feelings
- Upper case
- Useful idioms
- Usual day
- Vebs with stehen
- Vegetables
- Vegetables
- Verb lassen
- Verb/Subject
- Verboten!
- Verbs (position)
- Verbs (stellen )
- Verbs (ver-)
- Verbs + dative
- Verbs + dative
- Verbs + dative
- Verbs + particles
- Verbs + prefixes
- Verbs + Prepositions
- Verbs + Prepositions
- Verbs + Prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions
- Verbs + prepositions 1
- Verbs + prepositions 2
- Verbs : 'ver'
- Verbs : ge-
- Verbs : wider & wieder
- Verbs > nouns
- Verbs and prepositions
- Verbs and prepositions
- Verbs and Prepositions : Possessive or definite article ?
- Verbs beginning in 'er-'
- Verbs containing weisen
- Verbs of position
- Verbs related to animals
- Verbs with 'lei' / 'eil'
- Verbs with Dativ/Akkusativ Part 3
- Verbs with Dativ/Akkusativ Part 4
- Verbs with Dativ/Akkusativ/Nominativ
- Verbs with dative
- Verbs with dative object pronoun
- Verbs with mit-
- Verbs with particles
- Verbs with particles: Bringen
- Verbs with the prefix aus-
- Verbs+prepositions
- Verbs+prepositions
- Verbs+prepositions
- Verbs: 'ver'
- Verbs: 'zer-'
- Verbs: -geben
- Verbs: -gehen
- Verbs: -Machen
- Verbs: -machen
- Verbs: -nehmen
- Verbs: -tragen
- Verbs: bei-
- Verbs: durch-
- Verbs: ein-
- Verbs: ent-
- Verbs: er-
- Verbs: er-
- Verbs: fixing a problem with someone
- Verbs: ge-, miss-, zer-, be- , er- , ent-, emp- , ver-
- Verbs: in
- Verbs: inne- & hinter-
- Verbs: mit-
- Verbs: um-
- Verbs: unter-
- Verbs: ver-
- Verbs: ü
- Verbs: über-
- Verbs: zu-
- Verbs: zwischen- & zurecht-
- Viel / viele
- Viele, mehrere, einige
- Vocabulary - Animals
- Vocabulary - Animals
- Vocabulary - Animals
- Vocabulary - At the dentist's
- Vocabulary - At the farm
- Vocabulary - At the post office
- Vocabulary - Autumn
- Vocabulary - Bicycle
- Vocabulary - Breathing
- Vocabulary - chocolate
- Vocabulary - Christmas
- Vocabulary - Clothes
- Vocabulary - Clothes and accessories
- Vocabulary - Cooking tool
- Vocabulary - Emergency
- Vocabulary - Family
- Vocabulary - Fishes
- Vocabulary - Food
- Vocabulary - Fruit
- Vocabulary - Fruit and vegetables
- Vocabulary - House
- Vocabulary - House
- Vocabulary - House
- Vocabulary - Housing
- Vocabulary - Human body
- Vocabulary - In the city
- Vocabulary - In the house
- Vocabulary - In the house
- Vocabulary - in your kitchen
- Vocabulary - Objects in the house.
- Vocabulary - On the table
- Vocabulary - River bank
- Vocabulary - School stuff
- Vocabulary - School stuff
- Vocabulary - Setting the table
- Vocabulary - Shops
- Vocabulary - The breakfast
- Vocabulary - The head
- Vocabulary - The house
- Vocabulary - The lunch
- Vocabulary - The piano
- Vocabulary - Trades
- Vocabulary - Trades
- Vocabulary - Trades
- Vocabulary - Weather
- Vocabulary - Zodiac
- Vocabulary : Cows
- Vocabulary : Mood
- Vocabulary : pigs
- Vocabulary : School stuff
- Vocabulary : Sports
- Vocabulary and eyes
- Vocabulary: important words
- Vor - vorher / davor - bevor
- Vor, bevor, vorher
- Votes
- Walking
- Wann / Wenn ?
- Wann/Wenn/Als
- Warten or erwarten
- Water
- Ways to speak
- Weather
- Weather
- Weather
- Weather
- Weather/Seasons
- Wedding
- Weight & size
- Weil, denn, deshalb
- weil/da
- Welcher... ? Welche... ? Welches... ? / Welche... ?
- Wem +dative
- WENN or OB?
- Wenn, wann, als
- Wenn/Als
- Wer - wen - wem - wessen
- Wer, Wen, Wem?
- Werbung
- Werden
- What is it built of?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- What time is it?
- Where should I put the verb?
- Which clothes for my family?
- Which gender?
- Wie
- Wilhelm Steinitz (simple past)
- Willy Brandt
- Wind
- Winter
- Winter
- WM & football
- Wo, woher, wohin
- Wo, Woher, Wohin
- Wo, woher, wohin (sports)
- Wo, wohin, woher
- Wo/Wohin
- Wo? wohin? woher?
- Wolf
- Women at work
- Word order after "weil"
- Word order in politics
- Words built with "Teil"
- Words containing "h"
- Words containing Fahr
- Words ending in -lage
- Words from "verstehen"
- Words order in simple sentences
- Words starting with an A
- Words with 'ein'
- Words: 'zeug'
- Work & family
- Worksheet -Body words
- Während / wegen + genitive
- Xmas song
- Young student in France
- Zeit, Uhr, Stunde
- zer-/ver-
- Zoo
- ZU
- ZU or not ZU
- „Die Blaue Reise” -Iris Alanyali
- ß / ss
- ß OR double-'s'
- ß or ss?