![]() | > Other German exercises on the same topic: Family [Change theme] |
> Similar tests: - Vocabulary-Family - Our family - Love story in RDA - Work & family - Complete : Family - Complete : Family - Complete : Christmas - Missing words : Konrad family | |
> Double-click on words you don't understand |
der Onkel / die Tante |
der Neffe / die Nichte |
die Schwester / der Bruder |
die Schwägerin / der Schwager |
die Schwiegertochter / der Schwiegersohn |
der Sohn / die Tochter |
der Enkel / die Enkelin |
der Vater/ die Mutter |

German exercise "Parents" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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A free German exercise to learn German.
Other German exercises on the same topic : Family | All our lessons and exercises